Alliance of Palestinian Resistance Factions Demands PLO Cease Recognition of Zionist Entity


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The decision by the zionist Knesset not to allow the establishment of the Palestinian state is an invalid decision issued by an occupying entity that has no legitimacy on Palestinian land. It is a zionist affirmation of the ongoing policy of denial of the rights of our Palestinian people and their right, as guaranteed by international law, to self-determination like the rest of the peoples of the world.

We affirm that our Palestinian people will continue their resistance, struggle, and legitimate defense of their existence in the face of the fascist genocide war waged against them by the zionist terrorist government. They will reclaim their right to establish their independent state and will continue their path to thwart all plans of displacement and erasure of Palestinian national identity.

This audacious decision is a challenge to the international community and a disdain for the decisions of the United Nations General Assembly that supported granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations. It necessitates a serious international movement to halt these criminal decisions and actions and to enable our Palestinian people to achieve all their rights.

The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Thursday: 12 Muharram 1446 AH
Corresponding to: July 18, 2024 AD


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

In response to the Knesset’s decision not to recognize a Palestinian state:
Hamas and Jihad call on the PLO to withdraw its recognition of the zionist entity.

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements called on the leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to withdraw its recognition of the zionist entity. This came in response to the Knesset’s decision not to recognize a Palestinian state. The announcement was made during a meeting between the leadership of both movements in Doha, where the brother and fighter Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of Hamas, and a delegation from the movement, received brother fighter Ziyad Al-Nakhaleh, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, and his deputy, Dr. Mohammad Al-Hindi, on the evening of Thursday, July 18, 2024, where they discussed the overall political and field developments related to the Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood.

The two delegations paused to reflect on the heroic steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of escalating bloody massacres perpetrated by the occupation, the systematic destruction carried out in the Gaza Strip, and the attempt to destroy all components of human life. Conversely, they noted the brave resistance that delivers qualitative strikes to the occupation daily and has managed to thwart the declared objectives of the occupation.

The two leaderships also discussed the political efforts made at all levels to stop the aggression against our Palestinian people, particularly the efforts undertaken by the mediator brothers, confirming that the delegation of the resistance is relying on the steadfastness of our people and their resistance, as well as the achievements made over the past ten months.

The two delegations emphasized that the Battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood has constituted a strategic national achievement and created new realities in the struggle with the occupation that must be built upon and accumulated in the coming phase.

The leaderships viewed that, in light of the Knesset’s declared position rejecting the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent state, the national collective is required today to take a unified stance to confront these attempts to erase the Palestinian cause, building on the achievements of the battle. They called on the leadership of the PLO to withdraw its recognition of the zionist entity, reaffirming at the same time our people’s right to establish their independent state with Al-Quds as its capital, and the right of return for refugees.

The attendees also extended greetings to the steadfast and resilient Palestinian people in this battle for their patience, endurance, and steadfastness in these critical moments of our national history.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine political bureau member Omar Murad to Sawt Al-Shaab Radio in Lebanon:

Whoever bets on the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state through legitimate resolutions, the international community, the United States, or a political solution is delusional.

If there is no balance of power in favor of the Palestinians and Arabs, nothing of this kind can be achieved.

This “israeli” entity functions as a police officer and a colonial military base that ensures American and European imperialist hegemony and prevents the development, growth, and unity of Arab states.

Oslo gave us an Authority with a security function benefiting the occupation in addition to managing the civil affairs of the population, but it has no authority over the land or underground.

The goal of liberating Palestine has become realistic, and establishing a democratic Palestine over the entire land of Palestine is a realistic goal. Removing this ugly, bloodthirsty, racist, fascist zionist entity has become a realistic possibility.

The “israeli” national identity that the entity has been building for more than 75 years is weakening, fading, and declining in the face of the emergence of sub-identities.

Gaza has been besieged for more than fifteen years, fighting and never raising the white flag, which gives us hope.

The goal of liberation is now the reality, and the issue of the state comes after that. No state comes through begging.

The Palestinian narrative is triumphing today through the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, their blood, and their flesh.

Today, the “israeli” is not the victim but the criminal and butcher, responsible for this holocaust, genocide, and ethnic cleansing.

Al-Aqsa Flood, along with the emergence of resistance movements in the region and the changing public opinion, will bring victory to the Palestinian people.

Our main problem is that as long as the Palestinian Authority and the official leadership bet on Western imperialism for the possibility of a political settlement, it is difficult to translate everything we agree upon because the Authority is responsible for implementation.

We call on the Palestinian Authority to establish a technocratic government of agreed-upon honest elements to manage affairs in the West Bank, Gaza, and Al-Quds. After that, we can move to the issue of reforming the PLO and the political line.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The enemy parliament’s decision opposing the establishment of a Palestinian state reaffirms the undeniable truth of the failure of the so-called two-state solution and that the struggle is existential, with the solution being a Palestinian state over the entire national soil.

The decision by the enemy’s parliament “the Knesset” to approve a law opposing the establishment of a Palestinian state reaffirms the undeniable and established truth that the zionist entity is a colonial, settler, and replacement entity, that the struggle with it is existential, and that there is no solution except for its departure from our land and the establishment of a democratic Palestine over the entire national soil, with Al-Quds as its capital, after the expulsion of this entity.

This decision is further evidence of the failure of the so-called two-state solution and the great disasters our people have suffered as a result of clinging to the illusions of this solution or continuing with surrendering solutions and negotiation tables, which have reinforced the occupation’s presence and escalated aggression and settlement on our people.

This decision should be transformed into a genuine national opportunity to rally around the option of resistance, as it is the most effective way to reclaim our rights. We also call on the leadership of the authority to abandon the disastrous negotiation and settlement square, not to cling to the illusions of negotiations or the infamous two-state solution, and to return to the commitment to our people’s constants and consensus. There are no solutions with this zionist enemy except through resistance and nothing else.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
July 18, 2024

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Democratic Front calls for the withdrawal of recognition of the state of “israel” in response to the Knesset’s decision and in accordance with the decisions of the National and Central Councils.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine called on the political leadership of the Palestinian Authority to withdraw recognition of the “israeli” occupation state in response to the Knesset’s decision rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza, with Al-Quds as its capital, based on the June 4, 1967 borders. This call is also in accordance with the decisions of the National and Central Councils, which mandate a reconsideration of relations with “israel” as an occupying state, withdrawing recognition, ceasing all forms of security coordination, and disengaging from the “israeli” economy.

The Democratic Front stated that it has become clear, beyond any doubt, that Israeli fascist policies not only involve the execution of our people in the Gaza Strip, including children, women, and the elderly, and the destruction of infrastructure, but also, through the Knesset’s decision, announce the execution of the Palestinian national project and the legitimate rights of our people. This decision disregards all relevant international legitimacy resolutions and violates international law, which can no longer be confronted by mere statements, regardless of their source. Instead, the situation requires an effective and influential practical step that guarantees the embodiment of the Palestinian state, in accordance with the Algiers Declaration on 15/11/1988, proclaiming the independence of the State of Palestine.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine concluded by calling for liberation from the constraints and obligations of the Oslo Accords. Daily events and realities have confirmed that these agreements remain in place only through unilateral commitments by the Palestinian Authority and its political leadership, a situation that is no longer understood and is indeed resented by our people, political forces, and even friends of Palestine worldwide.

Central Media

The Palestinian Factions (The National and Islamic Action Factions):

More than three decades have passed since the settlement which was a disaster for the Palestinian cause. More than three decades of false American and zionist promises, more than three decades during which the zionist enemy gained the necessary time to eliminate any possibility of establishing an independent Palestinian state, more than three decades of settlements and fragmentation of the West Bank and the Judaization and desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Over three decades, the zionist enemy has proven that it never sought peace, but it only aimed to buy time. Despite this, the “Authority” attributed to the Palestinians insists on sinking further into the mire of this path, which was the main reason for the Palestinian political division.

Today, news emerges about a secret meeting held last week between the United States, the zionist entity, and the (Palestinian) Authority represented by its intelligence chief, Majed Faraj, to discuss the reopening of the Rafah crossing. This is an attempt to impose a reality on the Palestinian people tailored to zionist-American measures. While all components of the Palestinian National Action Factions affirm that the issues of the day after and the Rafah crossing are purely Palestinian national issues that no one should interfere with, the (Palestinian) Authority insists on aligning with the plans of the enemy and the United States, which aim to strip our people of their national and political will.

We, in the National and Islamic Action Factions, in light of this disgraceful performance by the (Palestinian) Authority compared to the legendary steadfastness of our people and the heroic performance of our resistance, affirm the following:

1. The issues of the day after the war are purely Palestinian national matters, and we will not allow anyone or any entity to interfere or tamper with them.

2. The Rafah border crossing is a purely Palestinian-Egyptian crossing, and its management on the Palestinian side is determined by the living national forces of our people, not by the United States, the zionist enemy, or those who align with them.

3. The recent Knesset decision, which strongly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state, takes us to the core of the struggle with the occupier, a struggle over land, a struggle over existence. It confirms to us that the zionist occupation will not even accept conceding 78% of the lands of Palestine that the Oslo team offered.

4. The time has come for a broad national movement aimed at reclaiming the Palestine Liberation Organization from the group that has hijacked it for decades, establishing a national strategy for liberation, and developing a national program based on the premise that we are in a stage of national liberation, redefining the functions of the [Palestinian] Authority, and freeing it from dependency on the Americans and the zionists.