Comrade Ulaş Adalı Lives on in Our Struggle! The Struggle Will Never End!

On the revolutionary battlefields, we respectfully commemorate Comrade Ulaş Adalı (Gökhan Taşyakan), one of the founders of HBDH and a member of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communards Party, who was immortalized 7 years ago.

Comrade Ulaş, who joined the struggle at a young age, lived like an adventurer without knowing what it was. He built his revolutionism and a life of resistance ranging from high school protests, university protests, Gezi resistance, workersprotests, Kobanê resistance to the free mountains. Comrade Ulaş, wherever there is a struggle for rights since his youth, he has been there. He did not stay out of the resistance. His march from Gezi to Kobanê and from there to the Medya Defense Zones shows his revolutionary practice.

Comrade Ulaş Adalı knew no limits in the struggle. As a young revolutionary, he was one of the first to join the Kobenê resistance. Fascist chief Erdoğan gave the answer to the fascist state waiting for Kobenê to fall by saying, “Kobenê has fallen, it will fall, from the trenches of Kobani. Comrade Ulaş had already taken over as an international revolutionary. From the trenches of Kobenê, he said, “Now history gives a view to the revolutionaries. I have to take part in this historic struggle for the liberation of humanity, I have to fight,” he said, pointing to the revolutionary tasks of the moment.

Comrade Ulaş took an active part in the establishment of the HBDH in order to build a strong revolutionary front against fascism, to create a revolutionary alliance of the Kurdish people and the working class of Turkey, and to work for the United Revolution. He took part in the political, organizational and military activities of the HBDH, which he saw as strategic for the United Revolution. He did not hesitate to work with all his strength to expand this struggle.

Comrade Ulaş took the revolutionaries who became immortal in the struggle as an example. He took over the flags of the comrades who were immortalized in different areas of the struggle. He carried this task with the most strength and enthusiasm in the short history of struggle. Today, we continue to wave the flag left by Comrade Ulaş. This flag will circulate from hand to hand until the united struggle of the peoples achieves victory.

Bursalı, our indomitable international revolutionary comrade Ulaş Adalı, 7th anniversary of his immortality. We commemorate it with respect. We will definitely plant the flag of united struggle that he left us on the bastions. We renew our promise to all the martyrs of the revolution that victory will be ours.

Ulaş Adalı is Immortal!

United Revolutionary Fighters Are Immortal!

Long live HBDH!

HBDH Executive Committee July 21, 2024