(Uruguay) Agitation Against the Isolation of Comrade Francisco Solar

From the territory in conflict with the uruguayan State, we join the campaign against the isolation that the gendarmerie and the legal power in Chile wish to impose on the comrade Francisco Solar.

The exceptional intensification of prison conditions is a clear example that their “law” is a falsehood, that it’s not equal for everyone, that it’s valid up until it touches their privileges, which they’ve definitely felt with the direct attacks that they’ve received!

Their law is only a post on the stage that they dismantle at will depending on who the prisoner is. Their democratic lie falls to pieces, such as the recent raids in Villa Francia.

The sentence imposed on the comrade, which intends to become an example, demonstrates how threatened they feel by revolutionary direct action. Rather than intimidating, this sets the tone for the continuation of the struggle, without leaders, without centralizing, avoiding hierarchical relations unrelated to antiauthoritarian practice with each step. Anarchy will always continue, “as a point of departure, not arrival” to take back out lives. May they have many reasons to fear anarchy!

Against the isolation of comrade Francisco Solar!
To expand practices of black international solidarity!

source: Act For Free