Let’s Unite and Resist in the Ranks of the Resistance Against the Occupation Attacks on Southern Kurdistan – MKP

The geography of Kurdistan as a whole continues to resist, struggle and fight against the occupying-annexationist attacks carried out by the fascistTurkish Republicstate and its collaborators. We salute all armed and unarmed resistance positions that are in solidarity, especially the Kurdish nation and movement-guerrilla, who do not bow down to oppression, resist and fight against all kinds of national oppression and turn every area into a war position against the fascist attacks of theT. Cstate!

The Kurdistan region is facingnewattacks that are not new but are insidiously expanding/expanding as a concept. The fascistRepublic of Turkeystate and fascist government, which are trying to get a share of all kinds of imperialist conflicts with the aim of destroying Kurdistan and the Kurdish nation, are trying to carry their current occupation attacks to a new phase by making the Iraq/Baghdad Government and the KDP-Barzani partnership more active, and are carrying out/planning new attacks on Southern Kurdistan and Medya Defense Zones (and Rojava). In this context, it has recently made new and intensive military shipments to Southern Kurdistan, established new military bases and is trying to increase these bases. Although these may seem new, these attacks have been going on in the region for years under the name of theClaw-Lockfascist occupation attack. In other words, neither this partnership it has established, nor the military shipments it has made, nor the technical-technological attacks it uses are new. The main reason why it needs such a wide range of preparations, an open and advanced partnership with US and western imperialism, the Baghdad government and the KDP is the existence and heroic resistance of the HPG-YJA STAR guerrilla that protects the national democratic rights of the Kurds! It is the inability to uproot the positions of resistance against occupation and collaborationism from the geography of Kurdistan.

With the defeat it suffered in the local elections, the Erdogan-AKP-MHP government has lost the wind it has been behind so far. The current power clique, which tries to draw a solid, authoritarian power profile, and which pretends to have managed to get out of all crises with the statements that it has passed uson a tangentwe are flying, is struggling in desperation at its own limit. The fascist Erdogan, who assumed the leadership of the world by shaking his fist in all directions, is now screaming for help all over the world. After theUturn he made in order to normalize the strained relations with Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which he calledMurderer,Dictator,Coup Plotter, etc. , his approach to the domestic opposition by sayingNormalizationand the developments from the slogans ofMurderer Assadto the calls ofCome and end this resentmentreveal both the crisis and the desperation very clearly. The dirty, sincere negotiating and pragmatist face of bourgeois politics is unconcealably exposed. On the one hand, it is trying to look for opportunities in the NATO-US-EU triangle, on the other hand, crumbs are being pursued in the Russia-China-Shanghai triangle. Erdoğan and the AKP-MHP, who are looking for resources in order to at least control the economic crisis they have not been able to overcome, and who want to pump blood into the national-chauvinist vein in order to divert attention from the economic-democratic problems and their power, seek to extract concessions from the imperialists and seek support for the new occupation attacks that will develop their power.

There has never been a lack of blood, cruelty and oppression on the geography of Kurdistan, which was divided into four parts by ignoring the right to self-determination and annexed by the reactionary states of the region; The Kurdish nation, whose language, culture and existence were denied, were subjected to nothing but assimilation, genocide and massacres by the nation-states of the region. Against this injustice, oppression and ignoring, which is historical and continues today, the struggle for existence, rebellion and resistance of the Kurdish nation, from women to men, from old to young, has developed and grown until today. Today, it has achieved very important gains and positions. In addition, the reactionary-denialist attacks on the gains of the Kurdish nation and the war of annihilation against the resistance forces continued with intensification.

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest executors of these extermination and liquidation attacks today as in the past is the Turkish ruling classes, the state and the AKP-MHP fascist government, which is its representative today. The AKP-MHP fascist government, which ignores the most vital rights of the Kurds in Turkey-Northern Kurdistan, massacres them, fills the prisons with Kurdish politicians, perpetuates the isolation of the prisoners, usurps their will, rains bombs on their cities and mountains every other day, burns their forests, poisons their waters, plunders every inch of Kurdistan, has carried these bloody policies to every part of Kurdistan, occupied many parts of Rojava and Southern Kurdistan, and thus it is trying to expand the occupation. As in Northern/Bakur Kurdistan, it is developing a bloody war against the peoples of the region, especially the Kurdish nation, in the places it occupies, and plans to liquidate the Kurdish national struggle and settle permanently in Kurdistan. If not, it aims for a Kurdistan without Kurds. For this reason, there are no techniques that it has not used, no weapons, bombs, poisonous/chemical gases that it has not tested, and it has not failed to use all kinds of dirty methods in its attacks against the Kurdish national movement. However, all of these tools and methods hit the total resistance of the Kurdish nation, especially the guerrillas, and it was the Fascist Turkish state that was defeated every time.

Lets not allow new invasions, lets take part in the resistance against the occupation. .

The fascistTurkishstate has been continuing its preparations for a new invasion attack on Southern Kurdistan for a long time with political-military-intelligence high-level meetings in the region, military preparations on the border and shipments to the border. Being aware that the fascist Turkish state would not be able to avoid experiencing the same defeats as before without the support of the reactionary forces and imperialists in the region and would not be able to get the result it wanted, it did not hide from the public that it needed the approval and advanced support of the Iraqi state in its new attacks, as well as the active cooperation of the KDP. At this stage, the developments and occupation attacks in Southern Kurdistan for a while show that this reactionary alliance has been carried out at an advanced level with a more comprehensive content.

With the occupation force, theTurkish Republicacts in Southern Kurdistan as if it were in its own territory, cuts down forests to establish new bases, conducts identity checks in the settlements in the areas it occupies and establishes bases, carries out detentions, and tries to evacuate (dehumanize) the settlements and forces them. By further opening up the territory of Southern Kurdistan with its mountains, villages and urban centers to the fascism of theTurkish Republicand providing all kinds of military, logistical and political support, the KDP helps theTurkish Republicto advance and move more freely. In addition to its active support to theTCstate against the resistance of the Kurdish guerrilla, the KDP is an accomplice of the fascistTCwith its reactionary/collaborative role in the bombing of the villages and settlements of Bashur Kurdistan with planes and artillery, the burning of residential areas and forests, the massacre of the people and the dehumanization of the region by forcing them to migrate.

Neither this support nor the support given by the Iraqi central government will save the AKP-MHP fascist government, and it will not enable it to achieve its reactionary goals. The fascist Turkish state will once again be defeated with its collaborators. The heroic resistance of the HPG-YJA STAR guerrillas and their creative actions in a new style already point to this fact. What needs to be done now is to embrace and expand this historical resistance of the guerrilla in every field, and to transform each field of struggle into battle positions against fascism and occupation.

The peoples of the region, especially the working class and toiling peoples of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, must put an end to these occupation attacks, take part in the resistance against fascism, and resist. The united resistance of the guerrilla and the people is the only force that can defeat and win the evolving invasion attacks.

Lets resist the occupation attacks of the AKP-MHP fascist government in the Kurdistan geography, lets increase the defeat it suffered against the guerrilla, and lets embrace the historical resistance developed by the Kurdish nation and its guerrillas.

* Hail to the Kurdish Nations Resistance and Struggle Against Occupation and Annexation!
* Long live the right of nations to self-determination!
* There will be an expedition to Kurdistan, there will be no victory!

Maoist Communist Party/Central Committee
July 2024