Anti-Anarchist Operation in Trentino, Italy

On February 25, the judicial police notified measures of deprivation of freedom to three persons (but the total number of persons referred to is four). This is a preventive detention, a home arrest and two prohibitions to leave the municipality of official residence, outside the Trentino region. The conductive thread of this operation seems to be the anti-carceral struggle. In the preventive control order that was notified yesterday, the prosecutors (the same of the Renata operation) speak of the will “to impose their anti-prison ideology”.

According to the Prosecution, Juan allegedly placed a bomb outside the Judge’s Office of Trentino in 2014 (article 280 bis of the Penal Code: “Act of terrorism with mortal or explosive machines”). At present, Juan is detained in Terni prison and faces a trial for explosive devices placed behind the premises of the Lega of Treviso in 2018. Two anarchists are accused of having helped Juan in his evasion from authorities, between 2017 and 2018 (Art. 390 of the Penal Code, “help with non-respect for a sentence”), by providing him with a false identity document and rental housing. Another anarchist is accused of “attempted extortion, with the aggravating circumstance of the purpose of terrorism”, because with other people, he would have tried to convince the Head of the Radio Ottanta station to read live a communiqué in solidarity with the detainees, during the revolts and the massacres in the prisons of March 2020. No subversive association offense has been notified.

Via Secours Rouge