Youth Continue Protests for Freedom in Iran and East Kurdistan

As anti-government protests across Iran and East Kurdistan entered the 46th day, youth have stepped up…

Toussaint Louverture, Haiti’s Freedom, and the Specter of Colonialism

  Haiti became the first Black republic in 1804 and the Haitian Revolution wouldn’t have been…

Direct Action in Solidarity with Anarchist Hunger Striker Ihar Alinevich at Belarusian Embassy in Prague

A colourful message at the Belarusian Embassy in Prague On Friday, October 21, 2022, a colorful…

Solidarity Message from Imprisoned Member of Anarchist Action Organization Thanos Chatziangelou for Hunger Striker Alfredo Cospito

A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis A solidarity message from captive…

We Do Not Allow the Murder of Alfredo Cospito – on Hunger Strike since October 20th / Call for International Mobilization

On October 20th, anarchist Alfredo Cospito, during a trial at the Sassari surveillance court, made an…

Explosive Attack Against the Home of Child Rapist ND Member Ilias Michos in Greece

content warning: discussion of sexual violence Responsibility claim for the arson/explosive attack against the home of…

Statement from Berlin Anarchists in Solidarity with Anarchist Hunger Striker Alfredo Cospito in Italy

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike against 41 bis

International Fair of Anarchist Agitation and Culture

 This is a proposal to meet between anarchists of various latitudes regardless of borders or flags,…

Arson Attack Against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure in Rheinland Region, Germany

Coal infrastructure fire – reducing RWE to rubble During the night of 18 to 19 October,…

Explosive Attack Against Capitalist Business Consultant Group SerCor SA in Santiago, Chile

On the night of October 19, three years after the revolt, we attacked with dynamite the…