A tow truck registered to Ryan Millsap, Blackhall Studios Chairman & CEO, was sent to take…
Author: abolitionmedia
Graffiti in Solidarity with Welaunee Forest Defenders from the Meadows of Lenapehoking (South Philly) for the Week of Action
Graffiti in Solidarity with Welaunee Forest Defenders from the Meadows of Lenapehoking (South Philly) for the…
Words of Subversive and Anarchist Prisoners in Solidarity with Hunger Strikes in Greece and Wallmapu
From territory occupied by the Chilean State to the Greek region. From pikun mapu to the…
Dema Gerîlla – Guerrilla Program about the Life in the Mountains
These videos were recorded in 2020 in the mountains of Avashin by the HPG and YJA…
Urgent Call for Solidarity with Anarchist Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis
***Urgent call for solidarity action! Anarchist Prisoner Giannis Michailidis enters 67 days of hunger strike and…
Winnemucca Indian Colony Direct Action Report Back
The Winnemucca Indian Colony, on Paiute and Shoshone land in so-called Winnemucca, Nevada, is under attack…
Political Prisoner Dan Baker: Statement for Pushing Down the Walls September 18th Fundraiser
The United $tates of AmeriKKKa is a white supremacist terrorist organization. Their government strives for a…
Update: Group Shares Statement on Burning Cars in Front of Turkish Consulate
STUTTGART – The following statement was published on the action that took place in front of the…
Children of Fire: Fascists’ Yachts in Tekirdag Port Set on Fire
The Children of Fire shared footage of action that took place in Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa marina and…
Guerrilla Treats Animals Injured as a Result of the Invading Turkish Bombardments
Doctor Firat Riha, who said that many animals were killed in the bombardments of the Turkish…