Raymond Chaluisant, Youth with Toy Water Gun, Murdered by a Cop in the Bronx

Another cop murdered another Black youth last week (at least one— of whom we’re aware). On…

From the Southeast of Mexico: A Letter to Our Comrade Giannis Michaildis in Solidarity with His Just Struggle for His Freedom

From the southeast of the territory called Mexico May 14, 2022. To our comrade Giannis Michaildis:…

Rojava Information Center Report on the “Syrian National Army – (SNA)”, Proxies of Turkey

ROJAVA – After years of a intense research on the Syrian National Army structures, the Rojava…

Statement by the CNI about the Disappearance of the Guzman Family

Prouncement of the Coordination and Monitoring Commission of the CNI-CIG in Demand of Justicial for the…

HPG: 7 Invaders Punished, One Drone Hit

  HPG Press Center shared the following details about the war in its statement: “The Kurdistan…

HPG Guerrillas Continued to Strike and Punished 9 Occupiers

The press center of the HPG reports: “The freedom guerrillas of Kurdistan continue their historic resistance…

Sabotage on a Military Railway Line in Russia

Sabotage on the railway line leading to military unit 55443 VD Barsovo (51st Arsenal of the…

Police Car Burned in Uprising in Santiago de Veraguas, Panama

Panama is ablaze after 16 days of general strike against inflation and corruption. Militants expropriated a…

On Anniversary of the Revolution in Rojava, Nine Cars Burn in Front of the Turkish Consulate in Stuttgart

STUTTGART – After the emergency call was dialed in Stuttgart at 2:20 a.m., it became clear that…

WAR REPORT – Incendiary Attack on Pro-Bolsonaro Corporation in Brazil

To all We assume responsibility for the arson attack to a unit of the corporation Lojas…