Uprising against Turkish Institutions in Occupied Afrin

Mass popular protests were witnessed in the centre of the city of Afrin against the practices…

Contractor Truck Torched for Assisting Minneapolis Encampment Eviction

You Sweep, We Strike! • Contractor Truck Torched for Assisting Minneapolis Encampment Eviction

HPG Guerrilla Mobilizations Continue: 16 Invaders Punished

Guerrilla actions against the occupation attacks continue uninterruptedly. In the actions carried out, 16 invading Turkish…

Bulldozer Stopped in ATL Forest by Horde of Forest Defenders- Call to Action

On June 2nd, a horde of forest defenders were able to stop a bulldozer on the…

Commemoration of the Heroic Chicano/a Revolutionary Martyrs, The Boulder Six, by Political Prisoner Xinachtli

Explosive Attack at House of Police Lieutenant in Athens, Greece

The group “Revenge Guerrillas” claimed responsibility for an explosive attack at the house of 2nd Lieutenant…

Shaka Shakur: Prison Abolitionism – in the People’s Language

When an entity or organization like the Department of Corrections (DOC) is a law unto itself,…

Explosive Attack against Special Forces Police Station in Puerto Montt, Chile

During the night of May 25 in the southern city of Puerto Montt, a roar shook…

Unnamed Autonomous Collective Communique Re Criticism of Jane’s Revenge

This communique is a response to online criticism of Jane’s Revenge and their Action vs Wisconsin…

On Moralism, Relation, and (anti)Militarism

I’ve no interest in changing minds. I’m not here to tell you I’m right and you’re…