The Ruptures of Militant Anarchism in Brazil

“Where we come from and where we are going”: a reflection on Brazilian anarchism, then and…

The Family of Lucio Cabañas, 50 Years after the Assassination of the Guerrilla Leader: “There Was a Clear Order to Exterminate Us”

EL PAÍS reconstructs, through the testimonies of brothers, nieces and cousins, the terror and persecution that…

Violence and Extraction in Mozambique: How Neo-Colonial Forces and Corporate Interests Undermine Security

As Mozambique faces a new wave of repression following disputed elections, it’s clear that the FRELIMO-led…

They Peeled the Copper — ELN

The behavior of Brazil and Colombia on the international political stage has not been coincidental, both…

“As YJA Star, We Are the Defense Army of All Oppressed Women” — PKK

Guerrillas from YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) drew attention to violence against women in the patriarchal…

The Transformation Made of Violence. On the War Against Resistant Communities in Chiapas, Mexico

The growing spiral of violence in southern Mexico, in Chiapas, also touches the neighborhoods of the…

“Put a Wrench in the Machinery of War” — Dhoruba Bin Wahad

“Direct action loses effectiveness if there isn’t a mass movement,” Dhoruba bin Wahad, co-founder of the…

Creating Conditions for a Solution – RiseUp4Rojava

A perspective on the current situation, the meeting with Abdullah Öcalan, the action in Ankara and…

PKK-KCK Co-Chair, Besê Hozat: Women Must Organize Everywhere

Both the war in Kurdistan and the guerrilla resistance, as well as the war in the…

PFLP Deputy Secretary-General Jamil Mezher on Trump’s Victory

The victory of Republican Party leader Donald Trump in the US elections will not constitute any…