Racism Dies With Capitalism

New poem by Kevin Rashid Johnson race is an invention a social prison of artificial division…

Popular Front Confirms Resistance Retains High Combat Capabilities

The resistance shows high combat capabilities and causes the zionist enemy to fall into death ambushes.…

DKP/BÖG Immortals’ Week Statement

The history of the struggle for revolution and socialism is a history that has been carried…

Attack on Caterpillar Headquarters in Tuscon, AZ for Nakba Day

Early this morning, to recognize 76 ongoing years of Nakba and to heed the call to…

Nakba Day Statements From Palestinian Resistance Organizations

In commemoration of the 76th annivesary of Nakba Day we compiled a list of communiques from…

University of California Office of the President Attacked

“The beginning of every revolution is an exit, an exit from the social order that power…

PFLP: Jabalia is the City of Heroes and Camp of Martyrs

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: — Jabalia is the city of heroes and camp…

Agitation Against the Drug Trade, the State and the Police: Chile

Some Anarchists coordinated in the periferies of Santiago; Cerro Navia, La victoria, Villa Francia… On this…

From Harlem to Palestine: Globalize the Intifada

Communiqué on the Liberation of Hind’s Hall In the early morning of April 30, 2024, we…

HBDH Commemorates Ulaş Bayraktaroğlu: We Must Destroy Fascism in Every Field

HBDH Executive Committee commemorated martyred Commander Ulaş Bayraktaroğlu on the anniversary of his martyrdom. In a…