Concepción, Chile: Flaming Barricades in Support of Anarchist and Mapuche Prisoners

“In the early hours of today, April 26, we carried out a propaganda action in support…

Incendiary Attack Against Private Vehicle of a Carabiniere (Rome, Italy)

Claim of responsibility for the attack against a private vehicle belonging to a cop at a…

PFLP Sends Congratulatory Message to DFLP About Eighth Conference

Comrades in the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Greetings comrades The leadership of the…

Emory is Everywhere

As the Palestine Solidarity movement rips across college campuses, college administrators and government bureaucrats are rushing…

We Will Not Forget or Forgive the Armenian Genocide! — Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Brigade

We Will Not Forget or Forgive the Armenian Genocide! We will not forget or forgive the…

DFLP National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) Update on Resistance Actions

Our forces continue to clash with enemy forces, bomb their positions, and shot down one of…

HBDH Executive Committee; “We Will Not Let the Occupation Pass!”

We will not let the occupation pass! AKP-MHP fascism has accelerated its invasion attack against Kurdistan…

HBDH Sibel Driver Militia; “We Organized a Sabotage Action on a Factory in Bursa/İnegöl!”

The operation launched on the Metina line was and still is the scene of the epic…

The PFLP Condemns the Repressive Practices of the Administrations of Universities in the US

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemns the repressive practices of the administrations of…

Santiago, Chile: Commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of the Death of Comrades Erick Rodríguez and Iván Palacios

On the evening of April 18, 2024, some anarchic individuals joined the commemoration of comrades Erick…