Statement from Berlin Anarchists in Solidarity with Anarchist Hunger Striker Alfredo Cospito in Italy

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike against 41 bis

International Fair of Anarchist Agitation and Culture

 This is a proposal to meet between anarchists of various latitudes regardless of borders or flags,…

Arson Attack Against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure in Rheinland Region, Germany

Coal infrastructure fire – reducing RWE to rubble During the night of 18 to 19 October,…

Explosive Attack Against Capitalist Business Consultant Group SerCor SA in Santiago, Chile

On the night of October 19, three years after the revolt, we attacked with dynamite the…

Interview with Anarchist Black Cross of Orange County on Pushing Down the Walls 2022

Abolition Media interviewed comrades from Anarchist Black Cross Orange County about their recent Pushing Down the…

Six Years Too Many. Free Fidencio Aldama!

October 27 marks six years since our compañero Fidencio Aldama was kidnapped by the state and…

Greeting of Thanos Chatziangelou, Captive Member of Organisation Anarchist Action for International Solidarity Events to Comrade George Ibrahim Abdallah

George Ibrahim Abdallah: sometimes a flower, sometimes a thorn What is the value of a freedom…

Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla: 13 Invaders Punished

  HPG said, “The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla inflicts major blows on the invading Turkish army in…

14 Invaders Were Killed and 3 Were Injured in the Action of HRE

  The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) have published a statement regarding their activities between October 10…

Unit Sehit Hogir Amed Against Fascist Police

  Revenge unit Şehit Hogir Amed (Faruk Kaçman) set fire to 2 vehicles of fascist police…