Arson Attack Against a Car belonging to Prison Profiteers SPIE in Solidarity with Prisoners in Berlin, Germany

Wednesday night, 23 March, we set fire to a car belonging to the SPIE company in Prenzlauer Berg. SPIE is involved internationally in the construction and operation of prisons and other facilities with the aim of total surveillance and control.

Educational institutions, parks, transport infrastructure and consumer streets become places of discipline under the electronic eyes and sensors of a mixture of private and state security systems. Where people could organise and shape their own lives, where they could resist and simply take what they are not allowed under capitalism, companies like SPIE are contributing to the technological assault. Too little is said to the enemies of freedom. Let’s burn down their cars, let’s cripple their infrastructure!

With this action we declare our solidarity with the persecuted defenders of the Biologico and the ungovernability of the University of Thessaloniki, with the imprisoned Thanos Chatziaggelou, Georgia Voulgari, Panos Kalaitzis and Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis.

With Ella and Lina in the focus of German repression and Claudio Lavazza under the control of the French prison system. With all the persecuted militants around the globe.

Machine-assisted translation of the following German-language post from the Deutschland Indymedia website:

Via Raddle