Resistencia Mapuche Lavkenche Claims Torching of 15 Cabins in Contulmo

First of all, as RML we claim responsibility for the incendiary attack that left at least 15 cabins burned in the Paillawe sector, on the banks of Lake Lanalhue. With this action, we want to explain the following:

Less than 20 days after assuming power, the Boric government has already revealed its absolute ignorance of the territorial conflict that is lived in Wallmapu. The failure of Minister Izkia Siches in Temucuicui and Undersecretary Manuel Monsalve, in Cañete, added to the political decisions adopted in terms of security in the areas in conflict.

The Government of Boric tried through symbolisms to show a permissive and kind face against the territorial conflict, using the word Wallmapu, for example, but without addressing the deep problems that have installed the different expressions of the Mapuche resistance, marked today by the presence of more than 50 Mapuche political prisoners in the different southern prisons as a fundamental axis.

The perspective of the Government has remained clear, when evading the situation of the Mapuche political prisoners and militarily reinforcing the police after the term of the state of exception, discarding, tacitly, a possibility of dialogue that could permit resolving the current conflict.

The moment came when the Government of Boric set positions, if he wants to achieve historical clarification and move towards the longterm peace south of Biobío, as his interior ministers have pointed out. And that means, at least, making real gestures beyond the ineffective symbolism that he has shown in these first weeks of government.

That is why, we demand:

-That the Government ordered its lawyers who are part of the persecution of Mapuche political prisoners of Elicura, not to introduce themselves to litigate in the allegations of the Nullity Resource that will be discussed on Monday, April 4 in the Supreme Court.

The immediate withdrawal of all the complaints in which the government is persecutor in Mapuche causes.

The dismissal of all the lawyers of the provincial delegations who have litigated in the Mapuche causes.

Immediate transfer to the CETs (Education and Work Centers) of all sentenced Mapuche political prisoners who already comply with the requirements and that has been trapped by political decisions of Gendarmerie.

That for this we give to the Government of Boric a period of 48 hours, otherwise new mobilizations will be articulated in all territories.

That this gesture is the minimum gesture to just assess having some kind of dialogue with the current government that allows unzipping the existing levels of conflict in Wallmapu.

Freedom to Mapuche political prisoners

Territory and autonomy

Resistance Mapuche Lavkenche (RML)

Saturday, April 2, 2022.

Via Kaosenlared