HRE: 10 Turkish Special Operations Police Killed in Mare

HRE targeted occupation forces in Mare and al-Bab, killing eleven of them and injuring six others.

Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) released a statement regarding the ongoing attacks of the Turkish state on North-East Syria.

“The unabated attacks by the occupying Turkish state target our civilian population in particular. In response to the attacks by the occupation forces, our forces are carrying out an intervention operation in Mare and al-Bab,” said the HRE statement released on Saturday.

According to the statement, HRE fighters carried out a special operation in the town of Mare. The fighters targeted an armored vehicle, killing 10 members of special operations police and injuring six others, while the vehicle was completely destroyed, said the statement.

On the same day, HRE fighters carried out an action in al-Bab, killing a member of Turkish-backed mercenaries.

From: ANF