Mapuche Political Prisoners in Angol Prison Start Hunger Strike

Marri marri pu lonko, pu werken, pu machi, pu peñi, pu lamien, pu wechekeche, pu kona, pu weichafe, people and social organizations aware of our fair and dignified struggle.

The Mapuche political prisoners held in the Angol prison through this statement come to inform our Mapuche Nation and the different lof in resistance:

Before the constant violations and denials of our rights in a racist and discriminatory way by Gendarmerie de Chile, through its warden Jesús Poveda with their subordinates, who have repeatedly demonstrated the null capacity for dialogue and understanding to solve basic demands as is respect for our culture and our people, it is that today, July 20, 2022, 23 Mapuche political prisoners are forced to make a decision to make a liquid and indefinite hunger strike and thus demand our fundamental rights as Mapuche which we live below:

1-The realization of our Wetripantu ceremony and also cultural activities such as Trawün, Palín and Guillaimawun, all this together with our lof and traditional authorities in CET dependencies, since all the activities that we have carried out in recent years have been carried out under conditions and limitations of Gendarmerie of Chile, indiscriminately away from the cultural protocols of our Mapuche worldview

2-We demand the immediate exit of all complainants in our legal causes

3-Immediate transfer of all our Peñi that are convicted, to the Center for Education and Work, CET.

4-Establish that accused, before future political convictions, be transferred to the CET without time conditions.

5- Change of precautionary measure of our accused Peñi, among other points.

It is for the above that as Mapuche political prisoners held in the Angol prison we make a wide call to all lof that remain in struggle and resistance, exercising territorial control; to all Peñi and Lamgen who fight day by day for the reconstruction of our Wallmapu; to all people and social organizations aware that our fair and dignified struggle has remained united and attentive to everything that may happen in our mobilization.

1- Juan Queipul.

2- Jorge Palacios.

3- Pedro Palacios.

4- Antü Llanca

5- Fabián Llanca.

6- Sergio Levinao.

7-Fraddy Marileo.

8- Luis Vásquez.

9- Boris Llanca.

10- Johan Millanao.

11- Danilo Nahuelpi.

12-Juan Alberto Millanao.

13- Simón Huenchulllan.

14- José Queipul Hueiquil.

15- Miguel Torres.

16- Sebastian Queipul.

17- Eladio Queipul.

18- Quelearo Figueroa.

19- Matías Tori.

20-Joaquín Millanao.

21- Máximo Queipul Huenchullán.

22 Alejandro Liguén.

23- Sinecio Huenchullán.

¡¡¡ Amulepe Taiñ Mongen!!!

¡¡¡ Witratupe weichan pullü!!!

¡¡¡ Weuwaiñ!!

¡¡¡ Marrichiweu!!!

For the memory of all the peñi and lamien killed, the fight continues !!!

Angol, July 20, 2022.

From: Publicacion Refractario