Public Statement Ending Hunger Strike by Mapuche Political Prisoners in Wallmapu

From the political prison in Wallmapu, we salute our Mapuche nation people, our traditional authorities, pu peñi, pu lamien, the Chilean people and the different peoples fighting against capital and the depredation of the environment.

The Mapuche political prisoners held today in the cet of cañete, Cesar Millanao, Orlando Saez and Óscar Pilquiman. Likewise, Emilio Berkhoff today confined in the Manzano Concepción prison, we communicate the following:

On Wednesday, August 31, we have decided to end our mobilization by transferring our three peñis who were in the Lebu prison to the cañete cet and transferring Emilio from the Biobío ccp to the Manzano prison in Concepción.

We evaluate our mobilization as a triumph in that with the support of our mobilized people and their different expressions of resistance, along with the Weichave who struck capital, as well as the support of individuals in solidarity from different territories, added to our own effort occupying our bodies as a weapon of struggle, we have managed to twist the hand of the gendarmerie and the Chilean state, partially achieving our objectives. However, there are still goals that as Mapuche political prisoners we will continue demanding, thus making the prison one more trench of struggle, on the long road for autonomy and territorial control.

We thank everyone who accompanied us in this process of struggle and resistance.

Likewise, we do not forget the peñi who are mobilized today, demanding that their rights be respected. For them all our Newen.

A fraternal greeting to all the Mapuche political prisoners confined in the different Wallmapu prisons.

Transfer to the cet for Víctor Llanquileo!!

Transfer to Lebu for Esteban Carrera and Yerko Mariñan!!

With Yordan Yempi in memory of the Weichan!!

Freedom for Erik Montoya, currently on trial!!

Freedom to all Mapuche, subversive, anarchist political prisoners and prisoners of the revolt!

Foresters out of Wallmapu!!

Amulepe taiñ Weichan!!!!

Wallmapu, August 30, 2022.

From: Publicacion Refractario