‘Maipo Insurrectional Cell – New Subversion’ Claim Arson Attack Against Baeza Trucks in Chile

Claiming responsibility for the arson attack against an aggregates company on the Maipo River, Puente Alto, Chile.


On the night of Saturday, October 1st, we materialized the attack in defense of the land and the waters of the Maipo River via an incendiary sabotage to Baeza Companies, located on the north bank of the Maipo River in the commune of Puente Alto, generating substantial damages valued in the hundreds of millions of pesos (380 million according to what they say).


Unlike other aggregates companies in the sector that can barely operate a couple of machines, Empresas Baeza generates millions of dollars in profits through the direct devastation of the Maipo riverbank by excavating it to extract aggregates and sand, leasing machinery for the excavation and movement of aggregates and earth, contracts with the Ministry of Public Works and highway construction, also counting on multiple bids granted by municipalities, which in great part come from mayors and councilmen belonging to the Renovación Nacional party, evidencing in passing links, networks and historical complicity of the Baeza family towards their militants. An example of their large profits is the family “mansion” as they usually call their summer house located on Lake Rapel, where they frequently go to enjoy the enchanting scenery, in stark contrast to the surroundings of their company, where one can breathe misery and social and ecological degradation.

The Maipo:

The Maipo River is of vital importance for much of the biodiversity in the Metropolitan Region, as well as for the large city founded on it, supplying the population about 70% of drinking water and 90% of irrigation water in addition to the large amount of electricity production generated by the many hydroelectric plants that exploit it (Aes Gener SA, Carbomet Energía SA, Mallarauco SA, Eléctrica Puntilla, Sociedad Canalistas del Maipo (SCM), among others). However, instead of being deeply valued, respected and cared for, it is outraged and exploited by various companies from different industries in almost all sections of the river, for example:

– Cajón del Maipo section: exploited mainly by Alto Maipo (hydroelectric plant belonging to Aes Gener S.A.), from the top of the mountain range to its arrival in the city.

– Section Pirque, Puente Alto and San Bernardo: multiple companies dedicated to the extraction and sale of aggregates born during the dictatorship, such as Empresas Baeza and its neighboring cement plant of the TX Group, which, through its Rosario mining company, drills deep into the northern bank of the river. Large vineyards also abound here, mainly belonging to Viña Concha y Toro S.A., hydroelectric power plants such as those mentioned above, where we highlight Carbomet Energía S.A. and its Compañia Auxiliar de Eléctricidad del Maipo S.A. (CAEMSA), both belonging to the company. (CAEMSA), both belonging to Molymet and located in Puente Alto, which use the supposed La Carburera irrigation canal which, far from serving as a source of irrigation for farmers in rural areas, works exclusively for these two hydroelectric plants, in addition to EBAEZA for the operation of some of its aggregate processing machines, for which it is necessary to extract and divert water that significantly impacts the flow present in the Maipo River over a large stretch throughout the year.

– Llolleo section: Finally, its mouth in Llolleo is also affected by the threat of the expansion of the San Antonio mega-port, a fundamental part of COSIPLAN (formerly IIRSA), an ecocidal and mega-extractivist project in the southern cone of Abya Yala.


And as if that were not enough, the powerful and nefarious multinational Amazon announces its arrival with the installation of its first South American data center in the Puente Alto district, which will most likely exploit the waters of the Maipo to feed its necessary cooling system, as well as the data centers of Google, Microsoft and Huawei in the northern part of the Metropolitan Region, which also need to consume huge amounts of groundwater, thus increasing the drought throughout the territory.

Know that your presence is hostile to Maipo and we will not hesitate to receive you in the worst way, attacking with fire, bullets and gunpowder if necessary!

Our Call:

Today more than ever it is urgent to stop the advance of devastation and prevent the earth from continuing to be exploited. Today more than ever it is urgent to destroy everything that perpetuates ecocidal logics. For our part we are very clear that the denunciation and legislation in this regard are counter-times that entrap and minimize the struggle for land, that the cries, banners and slogans do not scratch or scare. That the verbiage and virtual activism remains just that. This is why we propagate here and now the offensive, direct action, without mediators, materializing the fire to the devastation with our own hands and we strongly encourage revolutionaries, insurrectionists, nihilists, rebels of all Abya Yala to take fire and gunpowder in their hands too and destroy companies, houses, offices, transports and lives of all those who destroy ours along with the land, forests, jungles, rivers and fauna. Because it is urgent to end this system of death on all fronts and the liberation of Abya Yala from plunder, colonization, imperialist depredation, extractivist and capitalist logics must happen now. For a free, autonomous and horizontal life among all species and the earth.

To reforest the land, with direct and combative attack!

We clarify:

Regarding the similarities that our action and objective may have with those that happened in Wallmapu and the predictable distortion and manipulation of the malicious bourgeois press, always servile to power. Regarding the discourse that “everything is a set-up” that is constantly raised by some sectors of the citizenry and even many pseudo-revolutionary sectors, we clarify that:

– Despite the enormous existing complicity and the sincere solidarity permanently extended towards the dignified Mapuche resistance, we are not and do not pretend to be part of the same. We are brothers in the war against the state, its domination and repression, just as we are brothers & sisters in the war for the land, forests and rivers because their defense is something transversal to anyone who embraces total liberation. However, we cannot be the same. Our action is autonomous, anarchic. We are not Mapuche, although it goes without saying that we smile at every action of recovery and attack against forestry, extractive companies and landowners who appropriate and damage the ñuke mapu.

– And in case it is still not clear. We are not indiscriminate. We aim our weapons at the devastation and those who sustain misery and this whole system of death. But do not confuse us. We will not waste time and energy on petty wretches, nor will we attack those passive beings who have little or nothing to do with the ongoing war.

– Finally. We are not a montage of the state or its police or mercenaries. There are those of us who, from our individuality, decide to abandon the role of victims or passive agents and we throw ourselves into conquering freedom by all the means at our disposal. We are anarchic. Against the state and all authority. Against progress and devastation. They cannot deny us, make us invisible or reduce us. There are those of us who carry the resistance and offensive with pride and dignity, to the ultimate consequences. We exist. We attack. We will be.

Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Mawünhko, Tomás, Joaquín Garcia, Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villaroel, Mayo, subversive and Mapuche prisoners and clandestine, anti-authoritarian and subversive prisoners from all Abya Yala and the rest of the continents: each of these fires seeks to give them moments of escape and bring them here because that is how we continue to meet in each attack.

With Emilia Bau strongly present in the memory of the Maipo Valley and the liberation of the land.

With Santiago Maldonado, Macarena Valdés, Ruben Collío, Claudia Lopez, Punky Mauri, Pelao Angry. Spreading fire against devastation, we also spread memory and revenge.

Weeks away from the third anniversary of that October 18, we do not forget Cristián Valdebenito nor all the dead of the revolt. Revenge and the constant attack on power will be where we will permanently meet all our dead.

Death to the TPP-11 and all treaties in the service of capital’s devastation and plunder of the land and our autonomy.

For anarchy, for the land, for our lives.

Maipo Insurrectional Cell

New Subversion.

source: https://informativoanarquista.noblogs.org/post/2022/10/03/atentado-incendiario-contra-5-camiones-de-la-empresa-de-aridos-baeza-reivindicado-por-celula-insurrecional-del-maipo-nueva-subversion/

Translated by Nae Midion