YPS Şehit Devran Zilan Revenge Unit Burn 9 Luxury Cars in Sultangazi, Istanbul

From their written communique, “Our YPS Şehit Devran Zilan Revenge Unit burned 9 luxury vehicles belonging to AKP members in the car park of the apartment building belonging to the AKP district chairman for Sultangazi and his brother in the Sultangazi district of Istanbul on November 10”.

The communique continues as follows: “The AKP-MHP fascist regime and the collaborators who are one with the regime live luxurious lives with the wealth they stole from the people of Turkey, while the people are living in misery. The cost of living, which is publicized every day, is driving the people to suicide. The gang leader Erdoğan, who turns a deaf ear to the voice of the people with the discourse of eat cake if there is no bread in the national parliament, expressing his delight at his extortion and theft. Gang leader Erdogan and his collaborators exploit the basic rights of the people of Turkey, exhibiting a dismissive attitude towards them. Erdogan and his collaborators must be held to account, their lives must be made poisonous for them.”

The Revenge Unit added the following: “Erdogan and his collaborators who incinerated their own soldiers so that their failure against the guerrilla would not be made public, who stole from the people in their parliament and drove the people to suicide, who took the lives of the people with an explosion Erdogan himself set up in Taksim, Istanbul today – the land of Turkey should be their graves. The fight against these gangs will only be realized through self-defense. This struggle is the struggle for the rights of the peoples of Turkey. Do not forget that the silence of the people prolongs the life of Erdogan and his gangs.”

source: https://raperinagel.com/yps-sehit-devran-zilan-misilleme-timi-istanbul-sultan-gazide-9-luks-araci-yakti/

translated by Nae Midion