Call for Financial Assistance to Cover Legal Costs for Comrade Accused of Beating a Fascist in Elefsina, Greece

A comrade from Elefsina is being prosecuted for the beating of a fascist, which, according to the fascist, took place in 2018 in Elefsina.

Until the comrade was notified of the lawsuit, he did not even know about this incident, let alone have any involvement. This case is an attempt to financially exhaust our comrade, since beyond the financial aspect, a court conviction seems unlikely, since there is no evidence that implicates our comrade in any way in the beating beyond the fascist’s testimony after two years.

We believe that this prosecution is a common practice for the fascists, i.e. to accuse someone on the basis of their ideological identity. It should be noted that this is not the first time that, as a local movement, we have been bothered by the issue of false accusations against comrades, and false witnesses and accusers who think that this will weaken us.

The practice of beating up fascists is not something we are alienated by; on the contrary, we consider it a necessary political choice for the anti-fascist movement. Thus, any involvement in clashes with Nazis is politically supported in the local community, as it has been in the past.

However, this time we are not faced with such an issue, as a comrade is being prosecuted for a beating that we have serious suspicions may never have taken place and may be entirely fabricated.

The legal costs are largely paid out of our savings, but it is impossible to cover them entirely.

Solidarity will win

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