Political Prisoners Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis and Kostas Dimalexis on Hunger Strike for Freedom of Ocalan

Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis and Kostas Dimalexis, imprisoned comrade of the Community of Squatted Prosfygika, are doing a
three day hunger strike in solidarity with the mobilization for the freedom of Ocalan that takes place on these days in many european cities and in Kurdistan, on the anniversary of the conspiracy for the arrest of Ocalan (15th of February).

Three day hunger strike of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis in solidarity with Ocalan and the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan

Announcement of a three day hunger strike (13th-15th of February) in solidarity with the international mobilizations for the liberation of Abdullah Ocalan, of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis together with the imprisoned comrade of the Community of Squatted Prosfygika, Kostas Dimalexis. Long march: Lavrio-Markopoulo-Athens, 13th to 15th of February. Demonstration to the turkish embassy in Athens on 15/2, Propylaia at 3pm, and in Thessaloniki, gathering opposite the turkish embassy on 15/2 at 6pm. The marches in central Europe that had already begun were interrupted so that the struggle gives its strength towards solidarity with the peoples of Turkey and Syria, in the aftermath of the big earthquake. By this hunger strike, Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis is also expressing his solidarity with the social forces and particularly the revolutionary organizations in Turkey and Kurdistan,whose responsibility for a revolutionary change becomes even more critical in the midst of this tragedy that owed its immensity to class conditions. In the face of the widespread rage, the turkish state is intensifying repression, for example by the slaughter of prisoners who were demanding contact with their relatives, victims of the earthquake.

Let’s construct a common revolutionary front on both sides of the greek-turkish borders.

Let’s blockade the war antagonism and nationalism.

Let’s make the greek-turkish region unwelcoming for NATO military rule.

Let’s overthrow their common counter-revolutionary policy.

Let’s support revolutionary struggle in the turkish region.

Let’s defend the greek territory as a place of hospitality and friendship with the persecuted Kurdish peoples, the persecuted turkish revolutionary movement and the uprooted migrants.

Source: Athens Indymedia

K. Dimalexis: Hunger strike from 13 – 15/2 for the Freedom of Ocalan

Following the proposal of comrade D. Chatzivasileiadis, I am going on a hunger strike from today 13/2 until 15/2. That is, for as long as the mobilizations for Ocalan’s Freedom will last.

Ocalan is a political prisoner imprisoned for 24 years on an island prison as the only prisoner. The Greek state played a key role in his capture, as it was EYP agents who handed Ocalan over to the US, Israeli and Turkish intelligence services as he was leaving the Greek embassy in Kenya.

The Greek and Turkish states, while sowing nationalism and preparing their people to kill each other for the interests of the bosses, are allies against the revolutionary movements within them.

Ocalan is a prisoner of class war in complete isolation. It is our duty to stand by him on this journey to Freedom.




Kostas Dimalexis

Trikala prisons

Wing D1

Source: Athens Indymedia

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