Updates about Transfer of Alfredo Cospito to San Paolo Hospital and Request to Overturn 41 Bis

Updates about the transfer of Alfredo Cospito to the San Paolo hospital and on the prosecutor general’s request to overturn the 41 bis measure in view of the cassation hearing of February 24 (Italy)

We publish two important updates concerning the transfer, which took place on February 11th, of anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito to the San Paolo hospital and the request for annulment of the 41 bis measure by the prosecutor general at the Court of Cassation in view of the hearing to be held on February 24th at the Cassation itself, following the appeal against the order of the Surveillance Court of Rome, which, with the hearing of December 1st, confirmed detention under 41 bis.

We recall that on February 9th, the minister of justice Carlo Nordio announced the rejection of the formal request for revocation of the 41 bis that had been made by the comrade’s lawyer. This was despite the opinion of the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia e Antiterrorismo (DNAA, ‘National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate’), which, responding to the minister who was gathering the opinions of various repressive bodies, had said it was in favour of maintaining the 41 bis or alternatively of transferring him to Alta Sicurezza 2 (AS2, ‘High Security 2’, high security sections intended mainly for anarchists and communists). Therefore, currently, as far as the revocation of the 41 bis is concerned, the only pronouncement expected is that of the Court of Cassation (which is only in Rome) with the hearing on February 24th.

Revolutionary solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and all imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries! Alfredo out from 41 bis!

Alfredo Cospito transferred from Opera prison to San Paolo hospital (Milan, February 11, 2023)

On February 11th, the 115th day of hunger strike against 41 bis prison regime and life imprisonment without possibility of parole, anarchist Alfredo Cospito was transferred from Opera prison (where he had been imprisoned since January 30th in the Servizio di Assistenza Intensificata, SAI, Intensified Assistance Service) to the San Paolo hospital (also located in Milan), in one of the rooms reserved for prisoners on 41 bis in the prison medicine ward. The transfer was ordered by the Department of Penitentiary Administration, following the indications of the doctors. The comrade, according to February 11th, weighs 71 kg (the starting weight at the beginning of the hunger strike was 115 kg) and is in extremely critical health condition. As reported by the doctor who examined the comrade in the morning: ‘he is at risk of cerebral oedema and potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias’.

Regarding the prosecutor general’s request to overturn the 41 bis measure against Alfredo Cospito in view of the cassation hearing of February 24

The Agnelli family’s [multi-industry business dynasty founded by Giovanni Agnelli, one of the original founders of the FIAT motor company which became Italy’s largest automobile manufacturer] newspapers (‘La Repubblica’ and ‘La Stampa’) revealed in this morning’s (February 12th) edition that the prosecutor general at the Court of Cassation had filed a request for the overturn of the 41 bis measure against Alfredo Cospito in view of the hearing on February 24th in Rome. This is undoubtedly good news, but it should not be overestimated. Naturally, because as anarchists we have no faith in bourgeois justice, specifically because it is not uncommon for the cassation to take more radical decisions than those requested by the prosecution itself.

Finally, we cannot forget that Alfredo’s health situation is very serious and that February 24th may be too far away, which could turn out to be a terrible hoax.

We persevere in our claim for an immediate declassification of our comrade, convinced that any outcome will depend solely on the struggle to the last breath that Alfredo has put up and on the international solidarity movement that has been expressed.

[Received via e-mail in italian language and published at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2023/02/13/aggiornamenti-sul-trasferimento-di-alfredo-cospito-allospedale-san-paolo-e-a-proposito-della-richiesta-di-annullamento-del-provvedimento-di-41-bis-da-parte-del-procuratore-generale/ | English translation published at https://lanemesi.noblogs.org/post/2023/02/13/updates-about-the-transfer-of-alfredo-cospito-to-the-san-paolo-hospital-and-on-the-prosecutor-generals-request-to-overturn-the-41-bis-measure-in-view-of-the-cassation-hearing-of-february-24-italy/]