Earthquake Analysis: The State Fails and the Guerrilla is Always Volunteering

Feride Alkan, one of the YJA Star commanders, stated that it was the state that created the disaster, not the earthquake. Bazarcix and Elbistan-centered earthquakes took a month. Feride Alkan, one of the YJA Star commanders, spoke about the earthquake that turned into a disaster and what happened during this process. Stating that it is not necessary to wait for such destructions in order to get rid of the reality of capitalist modernity, sexist mentality and the racist state that alienates people from themselves, Alkan said, “Knowing that it is the state that created the disaster, not the earthquake, and turning to the humane with this awareness, comprehending the humane in its most naked form, is the key to the solution.” said.


Emphasizing that it is necessary to question the state apparatus that alienates people from nature and humanity and alienates them from themselves and their society, Alkan continued: “It can be seen more clearly how the state becomes an enemy of people and society at such moments, and how it leaves people alone with their pain and tends to gain rent. Such moments are litmus; has the power to reveal everyone’s true color. It clarifies the issue of who is really how human, that is, the basmala of being a society. It is a social test. The state apparatus cannot avoid failing in such exams without exception. The state, which has presented itself as the guarantee of the security of the people, society, women and children through thousands of perception operations throughout history, and which has been covered with thousands of dazzling veils so that the truth will not come out, has emerged with everything in these moments. This was also the case with earthquakes in Elbistan and Pazarcık. The true face of the state was revealed in its most bare form. It ripped off all its glamorous veils and smashed the smoke screens of minds numbed by systematic perception operations. The stereotypes of the holy state, father state and nation state were removed from the minds and replaced by the naked truth that ‘the state brought neither a shroud for our death nor a tent for our living’, which mothers expressed in tears. “Where is the state where we pay our taxes, go to military service, become civil servants or workers?” Its cries took its place in the minds of society as the true definition of the state.” smashed the smoke screens to the ground. The stereotypes of the holy state, father state and nation state were removed from the minds and replaced by the naked truth that ‘the state brought neither a shroud for our death nor a tent for our living’, which mothers expressed in tears. “Where is the state where we pay our taxes, go to military service, become civil servants or workers?” Its cries took its place in the minds of society as the true definition of the state.” smashed the smoke screens to the ground. The stereotypes of the holy state, father state and nation state were removed from the minds and replaced by the naked truth that ‘the state brought neither a shroud for our death nor a tent for our living’, which mothers expressed in tears. “Where is the state where we pay our taxes, go to military service, become civil servants or workers?” Its cries took its place in the minds of society as the true definition of the state.”


Emphasizing that with this disaster caused by the rentier state and built step by step, it was once again seen that people can only exist, survive and heal their pain, Alkan said: “If society means living together, feeling each other, solidarity, partnership, this is indispensable for everyone. showed. He saw that before the state, people, civil society, those who spoke the language he hated, those who had the culture he despised, grew up with him, shared everything, and tried to get them and their loved ones out of the rubble by putting themselves at risk, he lived and brought them to consciousness. The state apparatus, on the other hand, could not get out of its routine immediately, but only came into play after making a profit-loss calculation, that is, after it was too late, because for him, rent was essential, They saw that he did not go to the place where there was no snow easily, that he did not care about people. This learning with pain is powerful enough to be the beginning of a new social consciousness. This is an important opportunity to get rid of the real and only catastrophe, the state, its fascist structure, and its ruling rentier policies.”


Arguing that the revolutionary side of the society was also seen in the great volunteer mobilization, Alkan said: “Once again, it was understood that; Revolutionism is a stance shaped and put into action by human feelings, a sense of responsibility towards society, and intolerance to injustice. Revolutionism is the search for life to get rid of selfishness and to act with a sense of responsibility towards society, to be able to empathize and to think democratically and justly, and guerrillaism as its most concentrated form. In this sense, it can be said that revolutionaries, in particular guerrillas as a concentrated form of revolutionism, are like volunteers who rushed to help in an earthquake. Volunteers who rushed to help in an earthquake are people who wake up in the face of a great disaster and concentrate on human feelings, and this is the expression of a specific period of them, that is, not their permanent state. On the other hand, guerrillaism and revolutionism, as an expression of a permanent stance and lifestyle on this basis, are the definitions of those who, with a deeper foresight and a more radical intuition, could not stand the injustice of humanity and rush to help, sacrificing themselves to their society, people and humanity for a just world. That’s why we have witnessed once again that there is a revolutionary aspect in every human being in the earthquake disaster, and that every person can become a revolutionary in moments when human feelings and sense of responsibility rise.


Indeed, in the first two weeks of the earthquake, we witnessed tens and hundreds of thousands revolutionizing in Kurdistan and Turkey; We followed you from the mountains of Kurdistan with admiration and a heartfelt love. We rejoiced at the volunteers who came to the aid of hundreds of thousands of people whom we could not help as guerrillas due to the obstacles of the fascist state, we thought of them as ourselves, we loved them as if they were us, and we followed them with admiration and gratitude. Once again, we saw that; If this great revolutionary potential is sustained, that is, if it vomits the poison of capitalist modernity and the nation-state and evolves into a humanized body in every sense, the common dream and common goal of the Denizs, Mahirs, Ibrahims and Leader Apo has been realized, the democratic Turkey-free Kurdistan process has been started, and a brand new, full of riches has emerged. social life will be built.

We have seen very clearly that; The spirit of the seas, Leader Apo’s philosophy, dominates Kurdistan-Turkey society and it is a great revolutionary force. How can a society that already has tens of thousands of revolutionaries and guerrillas be deprived of its human abilities and revolutionary essence? Aren’t the PKK, which has led the struggle in Kurdistan and Turkey for 50 years, and tens of thousands of brave men and women who have been guerrilla forces in the mountains of Kurdistan for 39 years along the lines of the PKK, not the expression, result, and developer of this great human essence?


Earthquakes turned into disasters due to the rentier policies of the state apparatus that developed urbanization by ignoring nature; Noting that he lost millions of people from their lives, properties, land and dreams, Alkan said: “He made everyone ask the questions of why we live and how we should live. It not only revealed the anti-human reality of the state, but also taught the sociality of man and the fact that he can exist with his society. He revealed the importance of a democratic, simple life in harmony with nature. He made everyone realize once again that the essential thing is a humane life, partnership and solidarity. In other words, it revealed that another definition of revolutionism and its simplest form of life, guerrillaism, would be the best life for societies as well. Perhaps as much as the pain, cooperation, solidarity and partnership will be engraved in the memories of the earthquake. Volunteers rushing to the earthquake areas will remember these days as the most meaningful time of their lives, remember them with kindness, and carry their conscience and the comforting feeling of their human side with them as their heart treasure. These moments will mark the times when they are most beautiful as human beings and filled with meaning, that is, moments of benevolence, self-sacrifice, free from individualism, and full of courage, and will always give them strength throughout their lives. That’s why hundreds of thousands and millions who went to the disaster voluntarily should know that; If this is their permanent state, understanding of life, lifestyle and humanitarian character, they will defeat fascism as a great revolutionary stance and develop the energy that will change the world. As long as this is not a temporary spirit and stance. As long as there are nationalists, sexists, who carry water over capitalism and thus fascism again, Do not turn to the selfish, the money-hungry, the private property owners. In other words, let’s always be socialist, solidary, fair and egalitarian, and let life remember to pursue this. Revolutionary self-preservation.

Guerrillaism is time’s search for meaning

It should be known that; The revolutionary, and in particular the guerrilla, always has this feeling, this feeling, this richness of heart, and therefore he is always happy and peaceful. He is calm, cool-blooded, full of hope and self-confident, even under heavy bombardments and chemical weapons that the human mind cannot comprehend. Because guerrillaism is the search for meaning of time. It is the peak of human feelings, responsibility and consciousness. To the people who are in need, to the society, to the oppressed women, to the youth; ignored culture, language; He took possession of the plundered tree, water, bird and wolf. It is intolerance to injustice and injustice, giving up oneself for a just world and devotion to the society. It is to live life in its simplest form, to exist in the purest form and to adopt reciprocity as a principle. Guerrillaism is always voluntary. Volunteer to his society, his people, It is a dedication to the millions in need of help under the oppression of the oppressor. Since the guerrilla consists of such volunteers, their unity, friendship and comradeship are very strong. Just as the volunteers who came together in earthquake zones for two weeks will never forget their friends with whom they shared their bread, clothes, joy and tea, and will always remember them with love, just like that, with their comrade, with whom they lived voluntarily throughout their guerrilla life and traveled with the same devotion, they were the most meaningful, sincere, and kindest friends in the world. develops sincere friendships, fills with his spirituality, is fed. In this sense, it can be said that; The comradeship relationship is the world’s most spiritual, conscious and will-enhancing relationship. It is this powerful spirituality that protects them, nourishes them, makes them invincible and indestructible in the face of great difficulties. This great spirituality as materialization, it both feeds them constantly and grows as a positive energy that destroys fascism and directs the society to struggle with hope. The guerrilla, as an army of volunteers who came together for a just world, an ecological-democratic-female libertarian social construction, is the search for meaning of time, the realistic and simple definition of life, and is the center of attraction for those who seek it. That’s why the seeker of a just world and a new life on this basis is everyone’s friend, companion, litigator. Therefore, it is also the will to solve the state disaster that came with the earthquake…” That’s why the seeker of a just world and a new life on this basis is everyone’s friend, companion, litigator. Therefore, it is also the will to solve the state disaster that came with the earthquake…”

