The Politics of Prison – by Mwalimu Shakur

Behind enemy lines, inside the prison slave kamp, you have to deal with unjust circumstances such as: the rules and regulations that if not followed, there’s repercussions by those who have control over you. We call them oppressors. These oppressors, or overseers, can attack an inmate if they choose to, and lie by saying the inmate provoked his own assault. This is a regular occurrence inside the kamp, so inmates decided to come together (all ethnic groups) and organize in a structural manner by forming social groups designed to combat these and other problems.

These groups organized themselves in such a way that their standing orders and code of ethics caused the oppressors to put them against each other so they’ll not challenge their conditions. They won the rights to have a lot of things, that one would think prison was an actual university. There were vocational trades, college courses, sports teams, and well paying jobs to say the least, but all that was taken away because it actually caused one to become an intellectual who could be paroled and live a positive life and productive life in society. This is not something the prison system wants, because if this happens, they won’t have bodies to place in prison.

The politics of prison are inhuman, especially when you place conscious minded prisoners in solitary confinement where they’re locked in a cell 23.5 hours a day and take everything from them that would make a person rehabilitated. Prisons must be closed down and people should be getting help and resources, not punishment. These practices must end.

In struggle,

Mwalimu Shakur

Source: Mongoose Distro