Communique from the Ejido of Tila, Chiapas

Ejido Tila, Chiapas; Mexico, May 18, 2023.

To the national and international organizations.

To the struggle of Mexico and the world.

To the national indigenous congress.

To the indigenous council of government.

To the national and international non-governmental human rights.

To the native peoples of Mexico in the defense of land and territory.

Compañeros and compañeras, brothers and sisters, receive a cordial greeting to all of you in the defense of mother earth and territory.

We inform you that we are going to go out in a peaceful march all the ejidatarios and ejidatarias sons and grandchildren of the 836 trained, who make up the general assembly at the same time one more year of the anniversary that celebrates 91 years of the provisional delivery of the 5405 hectares of May 19, 1932. In the following way 2938 hectares of national lands, 2466 hectares that the grandparents suffered from the dispossession in 1900 by the representative of the Pennsylvania company, thanks to the Mexican revolution of 1910 we were able to recover the lands that today we have in our possession. We have been dispossessed for 80 years by means of property titles issued by the Municipal Council, beginning in 1943. That was a violation of article 74 of the agrarian law in force.

And the Agrarian and Colonization Department in 1965 elaborated a regulatory plan to modify the original plan of June 2, 1961 and ordered the agrarian advisory body in session of September 30, 1966 to insert the note and the point of agreement that the hamlet of the town of Tila is not part of the ejido, being considered as legal land, violating articles 14 and 16 of the political constitution of the United Mexican States. Due to lack of knowledge of the documents kept by the ejido, no one filed a complaint.

The municipal council saw that the administration had no legalization and requested the demarcation of the 130 hectares. An expert agrarian engineer was commissioned on March 9, 1966. Without taking into account the general assembly of ejidatarios, 11 years went by. An amparo 890/1977 was filed due to the negative report of the municipal council, and with these elements the municipal authority presented itself before the fourth legislature of the state of Chiapas; to request decree number 72 of July 29, 1980. To modify the presidential resolution of July 30, 1934. The government of the state of Chiapas published it in the official newspaper of the state of Chiapas; on December 17, 1980. In order to modify the official journal of the federation of the ejido dated October 16, 1934.

The decree and the official newspaper were used for an armed repression on May 10, 1981. The assembly agreed to a protest in front of the government palace with a total of 500 people, and was asked to come and clarify the ejido issue, mistakenly saying that there is legal land in front of the municipal council.

Once again, the people protested and gave the answer to redefine the land. The engineer Enrique García Escalante was commissioned to finish the study and he wrote up the minutes corresponding to the land portfolio on November 4, 1981. It was only 13 hectares of mancias for error of field that is extremely rugged was not separated the 130 hectares.

The hamlet of the village of Tila, is located in the middle of ejido lands, as it is a flagrant violation of articles 14 and 16 on possession of the rights of the 836 people trained, the amparo 259/1982 was filed. While this amparo was in process, an appeal for review was filed under appeal 125/88 of amparo 890/1977. The judgment was granted on June 20, 1990. And the resolution was given on March 9, 1994. The agrarian advisory body declared the note and the point of agreement null and void.

In the expropriation decree presented by the municipal council, it was known that Tila was declared a free municipality in 1921. Because they know that the ejido’s request is dated February 3, 1922. Because of the political and economic control, they did not follow up on it until it was filed for 26 years in Toluca, State of Mexico, it was requested in writing, to return to the first district court in the State of Chiapas; upon review, a document was found that the general assembly of ejidatarios gave themselves the land of the town of Tila, dated January 26, 1965. But for obvious reasons there is no copy in the ejido’s archive. The general assembly of the ejidatarios revoked it by means of an assembly, so it was reactivated with 2 surveyors with the survey projects. The justice of the union granted us the sentence on December 16, 2008. It became enforceable on January 14, 2009.

And we make known that the municipal council violates the sentence of the amparo 890/1977. Demolishing the ejidal park, the town council tried to demolish the town’s casino where the ordinary and extraordinary assemblies were held.

The current municipal council violates the amparo ruling of December 16, 2008. On January 22, 2009 the execution was processed by means of substitute compliance that replaces an amount of money of 40 million pesos when it was a bad advice, the general assembly revoked it by means of the minutes of the general assembly on August 15, 2010. A complaint appeal number 34/2010 was filed. As it is the general assembly if the dismissal proceeded, present the agreement the incident of non-execution 1302/2010.

The municipal trustee reports that he cannot comply with the protective ruling because it is materially and physically impossible, he argued a quality market, well paved streets, schools of different levels, clinics, comprehensive hospital that is outside the 130 hectares. In order to have greater certainty, Minister Olga Maria Sanchez Cordero requested that an expert appraisal be made before the Supreme Court. She also asked for experts from the high commissioner of the united nations and the autonomous university of Mexico. The president of the first chamber of the supreme court of justice of the nation, Norma Lucia Piña Hernandez, presented the draft expert reports. It was discussed and voted the 5 ministers that the 130 hectares is legitimate property of the 836 trained, it really is their own patrimony, they have legal personality according to article: 9 of the agrarian law in force, so they clarified it on September 12, 2018. The people in charge were very pending. The local authority coordinated with outsiders and ejidatarios who have betrayed the ejido to block the commissariat appointed in the general assembly, they presented an unknown commissariat with false minutes and forged signatures and fingerprints, even of the dead. In 2015 to 2018. Eduardo Gutiérrez Martínez to be in charge of convening the election assembly of Miguel Vázquez Gutiérrez and his entourage and to be able to register with the national agrarian registry with the same falsifications. The national agrarian registry granted him the appointment, and he presented himself before the first court with his lawyer Karla María Sánchez Álvaro, and on the same day the committee of the legal estate, Professor Francisco Arturo Sánchez Martínez, presented himself. This is what originated the conflict on September 11, 2020. And the organization of the criminal group, as it is an unknown authority in the general assembly for forger of signatures, a precautionary measure injunction 766/2019 was filed. In order for him not to intervene in the ejido matter as it is a crime to forge signatures and fingerprints, an agrarian lawsuit 389/2019 was filed. In the agrarian unitary court in the city of Comitan de Dominguez. There were only useless hearings, they did not ask for proof, that is why Eduardo Gutiérrez Martínez reappears as a candidate for commissariat, to block the commissariat elected in the general assembly and so that he is not registered, so that the execution of the sentence of the amparo 259/1982 is not completed.

And a common representative was appointed in accordance with article 24 of the agrarian law to request a staff of the agrarian delegation to be present at the general assembly, to verify the minutes of election of Lorenzo Jimenez Ramirez and its components, the answer is that they do not have the minutes and the list of ejidatarios of 2001. Because it was taken by the sinister, but to forge signatures and fingerprints if they have it, the corruptions have been discovered and they have been completely closed. Today we are also expressing this month of April the judge on duty required the city council to ask who the comisariado is, for the second time on May 3 in the requirement again asked who the comisariado is, when in truth he should only ask how many titles he issued. This is what we are making known and we ask the federal public prosecutor who takes care of the sentences to ensure full compliance in accordance with federal law.

It is all our words that we are expressing, it is not defamation, nor slander, but rather the injustices of what we are living on our own lands and we are not dispossessing ejidatarios from other ejidos. These are our ancestral inheritances that they left us, our struggle has always been based on fundamentals, not on deceit or lies. What we are making public has brought us harassment, discrimination, threats, humiliation, defamation, and slander in government and agrarian agencies and on social networks. Eduardo Gutiérrez Martínez, Miguel Vázquez Gutiérrez are unaware of the injustices that we have received, the panic and anxiety of 2005 when we were bombarded with tear gas with 2 helicopters and 20 convoys.

2 helicopters and 20 convoys of state police for an imposition of a municipal president in 2015. We were intimidated with 15 pickup trucks loaded with armed paramilitaries to keep the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, in municipal power those 2 people that we mention false commissaries live in the annexes is why they do not denounce the dispossessions and corrupt documents that they used to deceive the residents, ejidatarios of other ejidos.

Without further ado, we ask you to be aware of what may happen in our demonstrations.

Never again a Mexico without us.


Land and Freedom

Organs of ejidal representation.

National Indigenous Congress.