Mapuche Political Prisoners from Temuco Show Solidarity with Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners

Letter of solidarity from Wallmapu

To all those who struggle and to public opinion in general.
Throughout the history of humanity, the pueblos have risen up, fought, resisted against tyranny and oppression imposed in different ways and different contexts. This is how the capitalist system through the state and government as its faithful dogs do the impossible of stopping anyone who fights for their pueblo, increasing sentences, creating new laws to segregate and dismantle every bastion of struggle and resistance.

It should be noted that for all those committed to the struggle against the capitalist system, this only increases our ties of solidarity and support.

It is for this reason that from Wallmapu territory, Temuco prison, we express our support and solidarity with the current trial that comrade Mónica Caballero and comrade Francisco Solar are going through, giving them all our newen, and at the same time, highlighting all the courage, valor and bravery they have shown to face this stage marked by unjust accusations, where the real criminals, terrorists, delinquents and murderers are free with their hands stained with blood.

A strong embrace full of much newen, solidarity, support, hope and resistance.

Freedom for Monica Caballero!!!
Freedom for Francisco Solar!

For the annulment of the sentences of Pinochet’s military justice for comrade Marcelo Villarroel.
Freedom now!

Freedom to all Mapuche and subversive prisoners.
As long as there is misery there will be rebellion.
Until victory or death!

Amulepe taiñ weichan

Antu Llanca
Joaquin. H.Q.
Maximo Queipul.
Luis Tranamil.
José Cáceres Salamanca
Raul Canuilla Huenulao
Luis Fuenzalida Eneros
Juan Rodriguez Huenupil
Nelson Queupil Soto.
Eduardo Fuica
Fabian Llanca.
Freddy Marileo Marileo
Carlos Fierro Huenuman
Patricio Queipul Millanao
Emilio Berkhoff
David Torres Painemilla

P.P Mapuche and Subversives

Temuco 14/08/2023

(Excerpted from La Zarzamora)

via: informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!