The State Murder of the 17 Year Old Roma Xristos Michalopoulos Will Not Be Forgotten

 Greece: Testimony of the brother of a dead teenager

“We were with my brother, his girlfriend and her sister. He didn’t have a driving licence yet and now that he was nearly 18 he was about to get one. We had taken the car for a drive. We were going from Aliarto to Leontari Thebes. My brother signaled to him to stop but because there were bends in the road there, he didn’t want to as he was afraid someone might come in the opposite direction and there would be a crash. My brother was scared because we had the girls in the car. A little further on, at about 800 metres, he put on the hazard lights and stopped the car.”

The brother of the dead 17-year-old and an eyewitness stated that “the policeman got out of the cop car fuming with nerves, approached, hit the car window on my brother’s side with his gun, with force. My brother opened the door, he didn’t have time to get out before the policeman starting kicking him in the ribs, in the legs, on his shins, grabbed him by the T shirt and shot him. The asphalt was covered in my brother’s blood. For nothing. There are witnesses. No pursuit, nothing. At that moment there was nothing I or the girls could do”.

Some updates: 12/11/23 in Thessaloniki, a march of about 300 people. Strong tension.

In Xanthi city , there was a march and after passing by the police station, the cops made arrests and attacked people.

And  at the bridge of Thebes, in Boeotia, next to the Roma camp, fires were lit, barricades were set up and stones were thrown at the cops.

There were also marches in Heraklion, Crete and Athens on 12/11/23

And in Patras city 14/11 also in Bolos city this morning..

The state continues to act unchecked, leaving its most loyal minions, the cops, to murder, beat, beat, beat and rape unchecked. Unfortunately, the 17-year-old was not as lucky as Vasiliki [in hospital with serious head injuries] and now we are talking about another victim of the cops, another minor at that. The police are serving the rich and their bosses when they turn their guns and batons against the poor, their “opposite”, the Roma, all oppressed people and fighters.

We now know their narratives very well. We know that every time they talk about guns going off and bullets ricocheting, there has been a cold-blooded state murder. The incidents are many, lest we get used to death. Resist state arbitrariness, killings and authoritarian violence until the total dismantling of the authoritarian society.



A lesson (Nikos Sambanis 2021),  Athens October 29 marked one week from the night when three different groups of DIAS cops on bikes chased then shot more than 35 bullets at some people inside a car that did not stop at a “signal”. The chase ended in Perama area where bullets from 7 different service weapons wounded one and killed another of the guys in the car. 7 cops shooting at three unarmed minors in cold blood. Nikos Sabanis, 18 years old, was killed by state fire, which became a state murder.

(Kostas Fragoulis 2022) state murder : On 13/12 it was announced that Roma Kostas Fragoulis is now dead. On 5/12, after 16 year old Kostas refused to pay 20 euros for petrol, he was chased by DIAS cops, who shot him with 2 bullets in the head, and is becoming a state murder again today. Always for Roma….

Cops Fascist Killers.

Source: athens.indymedia.

Translated by Act for Freedom Now!