Zapatista Prisoner Manuel Gómez Vázquez Is Free!

November 16, 2023

To the Indigenous National Congress

To the national and international sixth

To the networks of resistances and rebellions

To people who sow dignity and organization

Comrades, we are happy to share that our comrade Manuel Gómez Vázquez, EZLN support base, today November 16, 2023, was released by demonstrating the falsification of a crime he never committed.

His family, dignified and tireless, have been with him, giving him all the support to resist the torture of being unjustly deprived of liberty.

We must clarify that Manuel’s freedom is not a concession of the Mexican State, nor is it proof that the justice delivery system works; on the contrary, it demonstrates a criminal state with structures to repress, capable of manufacturing crimes. The audience process continued demonstrating the torture machinery that is the criminal system. From the accusation by a prosecutor without evidence that only for delaying the process continues to ask for extensions so that their witnesses, who never arrive, appear; until limiting the number of observers to enter the public hearing, without any reason. Faced with all its ridiculous display of power, dignity became resonate and sneaked into a corrupt court to win a battle and plant a little life between so much death.

The time stolen from Manuel by the Mexican State and the government in turn can never be recovered, but dignity and its walking in resistance could never be taken away. Despite having Manuel hostage for 2 years and 11 months, for being Zapatista, resisting, organizing and rebelling this death system to fight for life and build autonomy.

It has been the worthy struggle of Manuel, his family, and all who have joined him that has made this victory possible. We met Manuel in one of the most dark corners of this death system; however, he taught us at each visit his strength, his dignity, his firm walk and a smile that hugged us with hope. It has been, is and will be a great example for all of us.

We want to thank everyone who was on the lookout and they have joined this fight. Each act, every video, every word, every drawing and every gesture let Manuel and his family know that there were not alone. From all our hearts, thank you compas.

However, this is not yet ended, there are thousands and thousands of political prisoners found in the world, hostage of the different states, deprived of their freedom for the serious crime of fighting for a better world.

We do not forget that our comrade Manuel suffered physical and psychological torture, and was kidnapped in prison by the bad government and its bureaucratic structures that work for themselves. These same criminal structures have also kept kidnapped in prison since November last year our comrade José Díaz, Maya Cho’l, support base of the EZLN, accused of a crime he did not commit. So we continue to demand his immediate and unconditional freedom.

We will not rest until we see him in freedom!!

Freedom to all political prisoners

The struggle continues!

Ajmaq resistance and rebellion network