u.s. Bank in ‘minneapolis’ Vandalized in Solidarity with Indigenous Resistance

We find ourselves in the midst of a settler empire decaying and fracturing at a tempo it cannot handle. But it will not fall on its own. To play our part in subverting this monstrosity, to aid the Palestinian Resistance and armed insurgencies across the Third World, Anti-Colonial Action Brigade (ACAB) vandalized a u.s. Bank branch in so-called ‘minneapolis’ early morning Friday November 24. We spraypainted ‘FREE PALESTINE,’ ‘LAND BACK,’ ‘ACAB,’ ‘FUCK ZIONISM,’ ‘F12,’ FREE GAZA,’ ‘STOP THE KILLING IN GAZA,’ ‘FUCK u.s. BANK’ ‘DEATH TO AMERIKA,’ and smashed one window.

Headquartered on these occupied Dakota lands, u.s. Bank functions as a key financier of the settler-imperialist order—profiting from the subjugation of entire nations from Pine Ridge to Ayiti to Palestine, reinforcing the bloodsucking racial regime of capital, enriching and subsidizing the parasitic existence of the euro-amerikan masses.

We hope to see direct actions against u.s. Bank and other colonial-capitalist entities expand and escalate. We understand these activities alone are not enough to bring imperialism to its knees, but we believe they serve as a necessary first step in introducing disorder, with the ultimate aim of unsettling and demolishing the very machinery of genocidal settlerism. Decolonization is, after all, a program of complete disorder.

We take to heart the words of Amilcar Cabral: “The main aspect of our solidarity is extremely simple: it is to fight.”

We encourage all our siblings and comrades across movements and struggles, across tendencies and ideologies, across continents and oceans, to respond decisively to Abu Obeida’s call to “inflict pain and confusion on the rogue enemy state wherever the occupation’s interests are found.”

In the spirit of Little Crow and the warriors of the Dakota Uprising—who went on the offensive against european invaders more than 160 years ago—we must never waver in confronting the structures of euro-colonial rule. We must combine a unshakeable drive for liberation with a righteous desire for vengeance. Our willingness to attack now and prepare for protracted struggle, together that will determine if we are up to the task of defeating this slaveocratic settler empire and its murderous zionist spawn.

For the anonymous millions buried in mass graves from the ‘midwest’ to the ‘mideast,’ we must destroy settler society. Let us create the conditions for two, three, many Al-Aqsa Floods to flourish and drown the imperialist metropolis once and for all.

Glory to the martyrs of Palestine.

Avenge the Dakota 38.

Victory to Indigenous Resistance Everywhere.

—Anti-Colonial Action Brigade

Received by email.