Anarchist Federation of Uruguay Joins Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Campaign

The Anarchist Federation of Uruguay said in a statement that it has “joined the campaign for the release of Abdullah Öcalan to put an end to his unjust imprisonment as well as that of thousands of Kurdish and Turkish leftist militants in the worst prisons in the world, the prisons of the Turkish state.”

The statement added that Turkey is “a state that has also committed one of the worst genocides in the past, against the Armenian people and today, carries out a genocide against several peoples in the region, and that has been a partner of the State of Israel, even though today it criticizes the siege and genocide of the Palestinian people, a people for whom Turkey as a State has done very little.

The freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, along with that of thousands of Kurdish political prisoners, is essential for the continuation and advancement of the process of struggle of said people and the oppressed peoples of the region against capitalism and the State.”