In Response to the War Criminal Blinken’s Statements: PFLP Statement

The Popular Front Warns Against Interference in Palestinian Affairs or Alignment with Suspicious American Movements Regarding the Strip.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine warns any Arab or regional country, among others, against interference in Palestinian affairs or alignment with the suspicious American movements regarding the Gaza Strip.

The Front affirms that the Palestinian people alone will shape the political future of the Strip after the end of the aggression, in response to statements by U.S. Secretary of State and war criminal Antony Blinken that leaders of “Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia agreed to help Gaza chart a future political path, and that these countries will discuss participation the day after the war in Gaza.”

The Front considers any Arab and international intervention in this matter as a hostile step against the Palestinian people, to be confronted along with everyone behind it. The priority for these countries should be to completely stop the aggression, break the siege, boycott the occupation, stop normalization, close the occupation’s embassies, expel zionist ambassadors, and internationally prosecute the leaders of the entity in international courts.

The behavior and positions of the U.S. administration are completely consistent with the zionist aggression, which is continuing to commit genocide against the Palestinian people, confirming that these American positions are constant in U.S. policy. We consider any illusion by Arab and regional countries about the U.S. administration and its positions is a form of alignment aiming to pass projects of defeat and achieve the goals of the occupation, trying to rescue it from the quagmire of defeat that it is drowning in in the Gaza Strip.

The Front affirms that resistance and targeting the bases and interests of the U.S. administration and its allies in the region and the world is the practical response and the strategic choice capable of bringing about a real change in U.S. positions, and forcing it to stop its support and bias for the criminal zionist entity.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department