Uncle Sam’s Super Agent – Colombia

U.S. interventionism knows no borders, much less does it have forbidden areas or spaces, it only responds to its geopolitical interests and on the basis of these it positions its foreign and local agents in positions of strategic power, in order to manipulate the context according to its political and military convenience.

The branches of public power are nothing more than a fallacy that pretends to justify and legitimize a political system that poses as democratic, when in reality it behaves legally, legislatively and executively as a North American colony, where the great majority of officials behave as agents of Uncle Sam, since it is in the US Pentagon where the implemented policies are defined and not in the Casa de Nariño or in Congress.

Since his appointment as Attorney General Francisco Barbosa has made it clear that he is not there to guarantee justice in the country, on the contrary, the ruling elite put him in this high position to protect their interests and provide full impunity to all the henchmen of the regime. However, Barbosa is not just another pawn of the regime, his actions and attacks are directed to strategic issues and contrary to the US imperialist and war plan, such as the peace process or the political prisoners of the First Line: all evidence that before being a ‘token’ of the regime, Barbosa is the local agent of Uncle Sam, used to continue with his strategic plans regardless of whether the executive power changes or not.

In view of the imminent departure of Barbosa from the Prosecutor’s Office, Uncle Sam has bet him to appear, to lead the barrage against the government of change, to act as a staunch and declared opponent of any pacification process that is not ordered from the Pentagon; this is what leads Barbosa to abandon his institutional role and to be constantly intervening in politics, all under the consent of another agent of Uncle Sam, Attorney Margarita Cabello.

Let’s hope that the change of Prosecutor will bring a real change in this branch of public power, but the background leaves us in doubt and makes us think that the next change of Prosecutor will be nothing more than another substitution of an undercover agent, we will wait and see!
