The Guerrilla Shows That the PKK Cannot be Given a Life Expectancy

The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla, under the banner of the PKK, is putting up unwavering resistance with incredible heroism.

There is now a people’s army in Kurdistan that can defend itself against any attack. This army, formed by Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) and his militants, is in a new era in terms of tactics, style and professionalism. With epic actions, the guerrilla inflicts great losses on the Turkish state and its army. The Turkish army, which considers itself one of the most powerful armies in the world and does not excuse civilian massacres, banned weapons and plunder, is helpless against the guerrilla. The Turkish army and the war ministry do not know how to hide the shock of their heavy losses. Hiding the death toll from the media does not make the bodies of those soldiers disappear.

Sworn not to leave even the shadow of the enemy

From West Zap to Metîna and from there to Xakurkê, the guerrilla, targeting and hitting the enemy positions come snow, rain, cold, once again reveals its will, determination for success and victory. The guerrilla shows everyone, friend and foe alike, how sacrificially it marches against thousands of enemy soldiers and positions. It is now clear that no technique and no army can stand in front of the potential power that the guerrilla have achieved. The guerrilla, committed to the freedom of its people, educating itself with the perspectives of the Leader and making tactical innovations every day, is sworn not to leave even the shadow of the enemy in the mountains of Kurdistan.

Healing the hearts of the Kurdish people

As is known, guerrilla forces in the Western Zap region carried out an action against the positions of the Turkish troops in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area within the scope of the Cenga Xabur and Martyr Savaş Maraş Initiative and Martyr Helmet Dêraluk Revolutionary Operation. At least 61 soldiers were killed in this action. The screams of the soldiers, the burning positions and the bodies of the soldiers caught unprepared in the snow were also reflected in the camera recordings of the guerrilla. Attention-grabbing were the guerrillas’ ambition for revenge and excitement to win despite the snow cold. These moves of the guerrillas, who have carried out many similar actions, heal the hearts of the Kurdish people.

Creating defence walls knowing no bounds

For the last three years, the Turkish state has been deceiving the people of Turkey by constantly claiming that there are three months left and that it will finish the guerrilla. However, despite its limited means, the guerrilla, with a steel will and Apoist spirit, leaning on the PKK’s legacy of resistance, locked in the vision of a free Kurdistan with a free Leader, is fighting against a huge army that does not hesitate to commit any crime. At every turn, it tells to the face of the enemy that the Kurdish Freedom Movement cannot be given a life expectancy. The guerrilla continues to build defence walls from Metîna to Avaşîn, from Zap to Xakurkê and from there to the four parts of Kurdistan, knowing no bounds.
