(Chile) Words of Anarchists Aldo and Lucas Hernandez Marking One Year of their Detention

Words of Aldo and Lucas Hernandez Marking One Year of Their Detention: May Revolutionary Solidarity Cross the Cold Walls that Aim to Imprison Their Yearning for Freedom

Those who decide to rebel faced with the misery implanted at birth only know two destinies: prison and death. We whisper of a third option, ATTACK.

Anarchist urban guerrilla group – BLACK VENGEANCE

At dawn on December 22 of 2022, in an operation that was carried out in the metropolitan region and Valparaíso, different buildings were raided resulting in 4 arrests. The order from the south prosecutor was to find and detain Anarchist comrade Aldo Hernandez, who is accused of being responsible for the attack on the national gendarmerie headquarters in December 2021.

Anarchist comrade Lucas Hernandez was also detained in these raids. Both found themselves in preventative prison. Lucas found himself in Santiago 1 prison, while the first day of his detention Aldo was transferred to La Gonzalina prison in Rancagua.

After marking a year since this movement of power, our comrades remain imprisoned while the investigation continues. We call for the extension and spreading of solidarity gestures, to visibilize their situation and political position faced with this imprisonment.

Today more than ever it’s necessary to position ourselves from a practice of active solidarity, in gestures that give back the love and dedication that our comrades have given through the bars with each offensive action. Show the prosecutors, gendarmes, and police that our comrades aren’t alone, that if they hit them we will respond, if they need us we’ll be there. Because prison doesn’t detain the process nor the advance of anarchist ideas and practices.

We don’t expect or ask anything from power, and even less from the courts.

We are their declaired enemies since we embrace anarchist ideas and practices. Action as unequevical embrace of those who have received hardships from the state machinary and the powerful.

May the gestures of solidarity and complicite actions multiply. Until it all falls.

For the expansion of anarchist action, fire to the prison.

A complicite embrace of solidarity for Anarchist comrade Francisco Solar, who confronts an extensive and exemplary sentence from the state and those who sustain it.

Freedom for Aldo and Lucas now.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

(Chile) Words of Anarchists Aldo and Lucas Hernandez Marking One Year of their Detention