HBDH Executive Committee; “Let’s Grow the Struggle Together on the Grounds of the United Revolutionary Struggle to Ask the Account of All Massacres from Beyazit to Halabja and Gazi”

March is a month remembered and symbolized by massacres as well as great uprisings. It is the month when the fascist state attacks reached the level of massacres, but it is also the month when revolutionary struggle, will and heroism are shown most clearly. March is the month of anger, faith and will to grow the revolutionary struggle. In this sense, it is the source of strength and determination for our revolutionary struggle. With this determination, we will ask to account for all massacres from Beyazit to Halabja to Gazi Massacre.

Beyazit Massacre

The people of Kurdistan have been subjected to massacres and genocide by the occupying fascist states in every period of history. The Halabja Massacre, which started with the Anfal operations and ended with the Halabja massacre on March 16, 1988, is one of these attacks. Thousands of Kurds were massacred as a result of this genocide carried out by the dictator Saddam Hussein with chemical bombs. The attacks continue today by Saddam’s successors and partners. Under the leadership of the fascist Turkish state, attacks with chemical bombs and advanced technical equipment in the four parts of Kurdistan and guerrilla areas continue unabated.

Despite all the genocidal practices carried out to suppress the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom, the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom is growing steadily. The four parts of Kurdistan are today a great arena of struggle against the invaders. The peoples and friends of Kurdistan will defeat these genocidal attacks.

Gazi massacre

The working Alevi people have repeatedly faced massacres both because they are not integrated with the character of the monist fascist state and because they are an important focus of the revolutionary struggle.  Massacres such as Maraş, Sivas, Çorum and Gazi are among the massacres carried out in order to surrender, intimidate, assimilate and break away from the revolutionary progressive forces. On the occasion of the anniversary of March 12, 1995, we commemorate with respect the Gazi Massacre and those who lost their lives in this massacre. This massacre carried out by fascist contra gangs was given a strong response with the revolts in Gazi and other neighborhoods. The people’s revolt that developed with the Gazi massacre also showed very clearly how the fascist genocidal order should be fought. In these days, when fascism is experienced in its darkest form, the struggle against fascism must be developed like the rebellion movement developed against the Gazi Massacre. Today, society as a whole is facing fascist genocide attacks. From Rojava to the Medya Defense Areas to the fascist practices developed in metropolises, massacre attacks continue.  Just as the resistance against the attack in Gazi prevented greater massacres, today workers, laborers, flames, women, youth, oppressed peoples can resist together and destroy the fascist regime and prevent massacres.
The United Revolutionary Movement of the Peoples was founded precisely to achieve this. To overthrow fascism and win freedom! Our struggle for the United Revolution, which we have left behind its eighth year, exists for the hope of freedom of the peoples. In order to achieve victory in the struggle against fascism, from Beyazit to Halabja and Gazi, let’s grow the struggle together on the grounds of the United Revolutionary Struggle to hold all massacres to account.

Long live our United Revolutionary Struggle.
We have not forgotten the massacres of Gazi, Beyazit and Halabja!
We will hold them to account!
HBDH Executive Committee

March 16, 2024