In these days when we welcome a new Newroz, the symbol of rebellion and resistance in the history of oppressed and exploited rights, the fire lit for the sake of freedom, the earth is witnessing one of the bloodiest periods of the historical struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed. The four corners of our world are increasingly engulfed by war, occupation, massacre, hunger and poverty created by the imperialist capitalist system. While mass massacres are being carried out in Palestine and Gaza, the conflict continues in Ukraine; the deepening contradictions between the imperialist forces, the deadlocked system crisis, and the hot conflict situation in dozens of areas/regions as a result of these, almost evoke the footsteps of the third world war.
Despite the heavy oppression and siege, the oppressed and exploited peoples of the world do not hold back from resistance, struggle and rebellion. Women, who have no choice but to struggle against male domination and capitalism, became the harbingers of spring by filling the squares on March 8 and revolting in all areas of life. Women’s call for rebellion will meet the fire of rebellion of Newroz and the fight will grow!
March, a month full of massacres, resistance and uprisings, is indelibly engraved in the memory of the peoples of the region and the world, especially in Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, at a heavy price. One of the days of March that symbolizes resistance and rebellion is Newroz, a common heritage of the historical memory of peoples. March 21, the date of the triumphant conclusion of the struggle launched centuries ago by Demirci Kawa against the tyrant Dehak, has been flagged in the hands of those who struggle against the oppressors as the fire of freedom ignited by Kawa for centuries. The successors of Demirci Kawa, the creator of Newroz, have also raised Kawa’s struggle at the cost of blood and life under the most difficult conditions and carried it to today. The peoples of the region, especially the Kurdish nation, have made Newroz the impetus of the struggle and the symbol of rebellion against the rulers. The Kurdish nation has created the Kawa’s of our time in the person of Mazlum Doğan, and the oppressed peoples have raised many Kawa’s against the oppressors and dedicated them to the struggle.
For the Kurdish nation, whose Right to Self-Determination has been ignored by the dominant nation states of the region, and who has been subjected to massacres, exile, torture and genocidal attacks in four parts, Newroz is precisely the name of rebellion against oppression. This reality continues both historically and currently. It is current because the persecution of the Kurds in the four parts continues today in a multiplied form, and a nation is wanted to be destroyed in the pincer of massacre, occupation and genocide. The Kurdish nation, which is aimed to be genocided by the fascist Turkish state, is subjected to all kinds of persecution in Northern Kurdistan, and historical enmity is continued with current policies. Tons of bombs are rained on Rojava and Southern Kurdistan every day, all weapons, including chemical weapons, are used recklessly, civilian living spaces and infrastructure are targeted and Kurdistan is aimed to be dehumanized. Wherever there is an achievement belonging to the Kurds, the bloody hands of the fascist Turkish state and reactionary regional states reach out. Now, the reactionary states of the region, especially the fascist ‘Turkish Republic’ and their masters, the imperialist powers, are engaging in dirty negotiations over the Kurdish nation and preparing new bloody plans against the Kurds for their own reactionary interests. Today’s Kawa’s will raise the war against the cruel Dehak’s as they did yesterday, and will frustrate the invasion attacks.
Turkey- Northern Kurdistan working class and toiling masses of people must take action wherever they are organized to put a stop to these dirty negotiations, new bloody attacks and occupation plans, and must develop and expand their solidarity actions with the Kurdish nation. It should be known that only and only the united action and organized struggle of the peoples can stop the attack plans of the fascist Turkish state and the reactionary states of the region, prevent the occupation and repel all attacks.
Rebellion against oppression is the legitimate action of oppressed peoples, let’s put on the rebellion
The fascist AKP-MHP government is waging an all-out war against the peoples of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan in order to maintain its existence and protect the interests of the capitalist class it represents, and exploitation, poverty, massacres, oppression and torture are getting worse day by day. As exploitation intensifies on the working class and laborers struggling to survive on the verge of starvation, the vested rights of the working class are usurped one by one; laborers struggling for their trade union rights and for the improvement of their working conditions are confronted with the state’s force apparatus. Women and LGBTI+ people are murdered, male and state violence is normalized, women are condemned to men with family-oriented policies, and legal regulations aim to deepen women’s domestic slavery. Young people, oppressed nations, minorities and beliefs, political prisoners, those who defend their nature, in short, the whole society is the target of the fascist siege. It is aimed to liquidate all dynamics that resist, struggle and stand against this fascist siege, and the fascist power mobilizes all its means and escalates the war against the foci of social resistance.
But no matter how hard the fascist state tries, it does not hesitate to resort to all kinds of tools, especially violence and oppression, gradually spreading isolation to the whole society, trying all its ‘domestic and national’ technology, especially UAVs, UCAVs, chemicals, on guerrilla and revolutionary forces, monitoring every street with mobes, Even though it surrounds every street with police barricades and maintains the fascist siege in multifaceted dimensions, it will not be able to stop its impending destruction, it will not be able to escape its historical fate, all these sieges and attacks are only indicators of how much it fears the organized power of the peoples, their revolutionary movement. But in vain! The anger of the working class, laborers and oppressed peoples will meet with rebellion, the fascist power will be sent to the dustbin of history, it will share the same fate as Dehak.
It is a duty to raise the flag of rebellion against the Dehaks of today, just like the action of Kawa the Blacksmith, and to raise the revolutionary struggle. Against occupation, exploitation, poverty, oppression and isolation, we must raise the fire of rebellion of Newroz in every field, and grow the united revolutionary struggle against fascism, imperialism and capitalism.
Our salvation is in rebellion, united struggle, revolutionary war and REVOLUTION. There is no other way out for the oppressed and working people of the world. We call on the working class, toiling and oppressed peoples to join the Socialist People’s War for their liberation and to increase the organized struggle within the ranks of our Party.
Happy Newroz to our peoples, which is the holiday of resistance of the peoples of the region and the world, especially the peoples of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan. We respectfully commemorate all the martyrs of revolution, socialism and communism in the person of those who were immortalized while raising the fire of resistance of Newroz with their bodies, and we reiterate the promise that we will carry their struggle to victory.
* Newroz Piroz Be!
* Newroz is Rebellion, Take Up Rebellion!
* Long Live the Socialist People’s War!
MKP — Turkey, Rojava, Kurdistan