Freedom to the Revolutionaries Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, Honour to the Fighter of the Revolutionary Struggle Organization Lambros Foundas

by Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis

The anniversary of the battle of Daphne, where the anarchist rebel Lambros Foundas fell, is a day of revolutionary awakening. Comrade Foundas, as a member of the rebel Revolutionary Struggle Organization, stood at the forefront of the struggle against the state and capital.

With absolute consistency to the end. Taking on the social task of organizing armed counter-attack against the structures of terrorism, tyranny and exploitation, is the moment when the fighter crosses the threshold of established conventions that keep humanity bent and completes his existence in the service of common freedom. Rebel Lambros Foundas is living proof of the invincibility of the revolutionary struggle. The witness Lambros Foundas exposes the reconciliation with the world of power. The common responsibility is evident and will continue to be evident until the fall of the state.


March 10 is the anniversary of a battle. A battle for a political cause. The community of the oppressed recognizes the historical contribution of the guerrilla organization with which comrade Foundas joined forces. The community of the oppressed recognizes the continuation of the action of his Organization, his face, his struggle, the honour he deserves. Lambros Foundas will live in the guerrilla that aims to overthrow the political and economic regime. The sacrifice of the comrade is justified, against counter-revolutionary policies, against the scarecrow of totalitarianism, against political exploitation, against its monetisation, as long as the seed of revolutionary action and organization remains alive.

These days the memory of the testimony of the dead rebel of the Revolutionary Struggle Org. faces two controversial points in front of it: With the politics of the counter-revolution in the foreground, to oppose the maximum forces for securing the release of the two fighters, Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, who keep their joint revolutionary struggle intact. With the revolutionary movement in the foreground, understanding the real contribution of armed initiative and consistency as expressed by Org. Revolutionary Struggle, to build broad social resistance with the revolutionary terms it deserves.

A tribute to the dead rebel of the Revolutionary Struggle Organization: Let’s fight the battles that are appropriate today. Let’s organize ourselves in a revolutionary way. Let’s raise the tanks. To strike at the heart of the tyrants and their mercenaries. To give strength, ground of freedom and perspective to the class-social conflict.

Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis
10 March ’24
