Ivana Hoffman and Şevger Ara Makhno, two internationalist revolutionary fighters who fell in defense of the Rojava Revolution, were commemorated this month by their organizations. Ivana Hoffman fought under the banner to the MLKP and was their first internationalist martyr in the struggle. While Makhno fell in defense of Afrin fighting with the anarchist force Tekoşîna Anarşîst.
The MLKP held an event in Tel Temir to pay homage to the fallen comrade. Hoffman was a Black, feminist communist and was the first female internationalist fighter to die in the struggle. She stated that she “decided to come to Rojava because they are fighting for humanity here, for rights and for internationalism that the MLKP represents.” The MLKP acknowledged it was a great honor to commemorate her nine years after her passing.

Tekoşîna Anarşîst, through their Twitter account, paid homage to fallen fighter Şevger Ara Makhno. Their whole statement is posted below:
Today marks 6 years since our comrade şehîd Şevger Ara Makhno gave his life in defense of Afrin against Turkish invasion, on a hill near the village Berbêne with two YPG comrades. We remember Ara with warmth and respect, and look up to him in our struggle. Şehîd namirin!
Ara was an anarchist from Turkey. Determined to find lessons for the anarchist movement, he came to Syria to defend the revolution with the peoples of this region. He sacrificed a lot with this decision. Today it can help us to reflect, as we choose our ways as militants.Ara united people, made everyone laugh, lifted others up. His wicked smile and passionate heart are with us. Along with grief of his death, his contribution in Rojava brought determination for us to take our steps in the revolution in NE Syria as an anarchist organization.