(Chile) 16 Years in Prison: Words of Marcelo Villarroel

On March 15, 16 uninterrupted years of imprisonment were completed since I was arrested in San Martin de lo Andes, province of Neuquén, a territory squatted by the Argentine state while fleeing under orders of search and captured by the Chilean state.

The causes that animated this moment of clandestinity and that were profusely disseminated in the epoch are already well known:

I was sentenced to 14 years for two bank robberies. On December 16, 2009, I was expelled from Argentine territory to be tried in Chile.

At present, I continue with 46 more years of convictions for cases emanating from Pinochet’s military justice system in the early ’90s, framed in the urban guerrilla practices of my former militancy in the extinct armed group Mapu-Lautaro for more than 3 decades.

I am a hostage for reasons of state since from the power itself they have violated their shameful legality to keep me locked up and I belong to that segment of revolutionary prisoners of the world over whom the ferocious punishment of the State hangs, for not giving up, for not keeping silent, for maintaining inalienable anti-authoritarian convictions and, as I have said before, for a firm belief in anarchy.

These 16 years of daily resistance to prison confinement have been possible thanks to the loyalties, affections and loves of people who encourage me without pause, to the incessant persistence of wills that are reinforced through insurrectionary simplicity, to the strong bonds of brotherhood in struggle with different territories and languages that with the same language of war we are forging common paths and certainly this resistance would not be possible if not for the ideas and convictions that guide me.

After 16 years in prison, the struggle for my exit to the street continues persistently. On the legal side, they are focused on the annulment of Pinochet’s military justice system, where there are efforts to achieve such a long-awaited goal.

This 2024 is a crucial year in this persistent campaign and from here I make the direct call to deepen Solidarity in all its forms and possibilities to achieve my release from prison.

These are intense times of definitions in which actions must go beyond mere words full of good intentions and hence the urgent call to contribute in this concrete moment of struggle.

In a new March in the region squatted by the Chilean state, we vindicate the Young Combatant as an expression of historical continuity in the subversive struggle against the state, the prison and capitalism and from here an unstoppable eternal cry for each of those who have fallen… for Eduardo, Rafael and Pablo Vergara Toledo, Luis Silva Jara “el Chakita”, for Andrés Soto Pantoja, Pablo Muñoz Moya, for Norma Vergara Cáceres, Alejandro Sosa Durán, for Claudia López, Jhonny Cariqueo, Mauricio Morales and Sebastián Oversluij, for our eternal Luisa Toledo And for all those who do not renounce, nor forget and continue to feed our Memory of Resistance and Subversion.

Fraternal embrace for all the anti-authoritarian prisoners of the world who continue to contribute to the struggle.

All my newen [strength] to the anarchist, subversive and Mapuche prisoners in the Chilean prisons who continue with dignity along the path of Conflict.

My respects to the different communities of anti-authoritarian struggle that are weaving Anti-Prison Internationalism in different territories around the world.

To all who dare to challenge the normality of what exists in the here and now, attacking, in the present, the social peace of the rich towards total liberation.

For the annulment of the sentences of the military justice system!!

Anarchist, subversive and Mapuche prisoners out of the prisons now!!

Until the last bastion of prison society is destroyed!!

Amulepe taiñ weichan!!

While there is misery there will be rebellion!!

Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

La Gonzalina Rancagua Company Prison. Territory squatted by the Chilean state.

Late March, 2024.

Source: Informativo Anarquista