From the interception of a car in which the Brigade commander and its spokesman were traveling, the brother commander attempted to resolve it without reaching what we have reached, unfortunately, but whoever listens to the orders of his enemy does not care about the sanctity of Muslim blood, the sanctity of Ramadan, or anything, so the [PA Security Forces] mercenaries tried to arrest the brothers, and their weapons were confiscated despite the fact that their hearts were trembling in fear of them, just as they were our enemy. So they opened fire in the air at first, so the brothers were able to escape from their hands. They did not actually fire for the sake of blood, and they are only fierce towards the enemies of Allah.
The mercenaries pursued them and opened fire on them, wounding the Brigade commander with shrapnel and many passers-by as a result of their bullets, who did not fire a single shot at the Zionist unless its owner was free and honorable and had chosen to separate from them and win the pleasure of the Most Merciful. At that time, one of the [PA] soldiers was able to treacherously board the resistance vehicle with the aim of confiscating it, but our fighter refused to watch the confiscation of any of the Brigade’s property, so he returned to them and snatched his vehicle from them against their will, and the brothers were able to return to their den safely, thanks to Allah. Then, the distinguished people of the city of Tulkarem, the people of generosity and bountifulness, ensured the arrival of the heroes to their den, the Nour Shams camp.
Immediately after the resistance’s declaration of civil disobedience in Nour Shams camp, Tulkarem, gunfire targeted the headquarters of the Palestinian Intelligence Service.
The resistance proceeded to lock the camp down with earth mounds and explosives. Tension remains high due to the kidnapping attemped of the Tulkarem Brigade fighter, who was later identified as Abu Shujaa.
Local sources report that undercover PA Forces and vehicles were then deployed around the camp in preparation to invade the camp, ahead of the mass march set to take place in the camp’s Al-Katiba Square in support of the resistance and in protest of the PA’s pursuit of fighters.
O masses of our resisting Palestinian people, the blood of our people and the weapons of our resistance are a red line that cannot be neglected or tolerated, as they are taboos affirmed by all the customs and laws of our revolution.
What happened in Tulkarem in terms of the persecution and attempt to arrest the resistance fighters, and the events that followed, call on us all to stand up to our responsibilities to honor the blood of our people, and the opportunity to denounce everyone who tries to distort our compass in resisting the criminal zionist enemy, which has shed the blood of our people everywhere and violated the honor of our freedom fighters.
We in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, through this military report, call on all our people in the Bank of Abu Jandal and the city of Al-Karmi, to control the situation and unify, and focus all efforts to defend our land and form the largest support force for our people who are being killed in Gaza in cold blood.
O masses of our Palestinian people, while we cling to our revolutionary values that reject the shedding of the blood of our people, we call on you to take to the streets to stifle strife and protect the blood of our people, regardless of which party it is, and to deny the opportunity to anyone who tries to attack the weapons of our resistance or to violate the state of civil peace.
For today, there is an urgent need to close ranks and unite the rifles towards the zionist enemy, and to deny the opportunity to anyone who tries to tamper with civil peace or attack the weapons of the resistance. Hence, we call on our people to work to eliminate the state of discord and fragmentation.
We have been exhausted by division and have taken advantage of by the enemy by exploiting the state of divisions and disagreements.
Hence, we extend our call to the [Palestinian Authority] Security Forces to be a true partner in defending our people and our sanctities. We are not in a state of war or internal conflict, we are in the same trench, even if we disagree with the behavior of the security services in terms of prosecutions and arrests of our resistance fighters.
The Authority must realize that its attempts to impose a security grip will inflame people and ignite the fire of internal conflict, and that Palestinian security cannot be achieved with the presence of the occupation, which tampers with every detail of our lives.
May you always be a shield for us, and may we always be a drawn sword for you, God willing.
Your brothers and soldiers,
Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades