HBDH Mustafa Dağ Militia Set Fire to a Truck Garage Belonging to Fascists

In a written statement issued by the HBDH Mustafa Dağ Militia, it was announced that the truck garage belonging to the fascists in Mersin/Akdeniz district was set on fire in order to draw attention to the isolation and extermination system of AKP-MHP fascism against the Kurdish people and the Leader APO.

In the statement, it was stated that as a result of the action, 6 trucks became unusable and serious material damage was caused to the garage.

The explanation is as follows;

AKP-MHP fascism exploits the poor. It disregards the sweat of the workers and toilers, and imposes a system of isolation and annihilation on the Kurdish people and the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan.

The ongoing hunger strikes in the prisons, the resistance of the freedom guerrillas in the mountains and the actions of our United Revolution militia in the cities continue to give hope to the workers, youth, women and all the oppressed in Turkey and Kurdistan.

We, the soldiers of the United Revolution, are holding AKP-MHP fascism accountable with the upright stance of our comrades who paid the price, following in the footsteps of our revolutionary leaders!

In this context, we took action. As HBDH Mustafa Dağ Militia, we set fire to a truck garage that we determined to belong to the fascists in Mersin/Akdeniz district using special methods. While 6 of the trucks turned into ashes, dozens of trucks were damaged.

Once again, we cry out; We will dismantle the system of isolation and extermination!

Long live our United Revolution!

We will destroy fascism, we will win freedom!


Source: Nûçe Ciwan