Lifting of the Blockade Following the Reinstallation of the Lights at the House of Indigenous Peoples and Communities Samir Flores Soberanes

All Comrades!

Faced with #repression, #Solidarity and #Resistance of the peoples.

We report that after 11 Hrs. blockade on Av. Mexico-Coyoacán 343, Col. Xoco, the detention of 5 vehicles of #Izzi, #Bimbo, #FeDex, #RedCola and #TránsitoSSC and after 78 hours of our power being cut off, finally with resistance and a lot of solidarity, we forced the #CDMX Government and the Federal Government, as well as the #CFE, to reinstall the Light in a more media-friendly way and to establish a Dialogue Table with the #OtomíCDMX Indigenous Community and the different government departments.

For all of the above, we are grateful for the solidarity and accompaniment of collectives, organizations, peoples and communities, as well as of individuals who from very early met at the House of Indigenous Peoples and Communities, as well as to all those comrades who joined the activities during the blockade.

We have lifted the blockade, so we thank you for your concern about what is happening to the community and recognize that without your accompaniment it would not be possible to sustain the resistance.

We Do Not Sell, We Do Not Give Up and We Do Not Betray


Zapata Vive, the Fight Continues!
Having a roof is a Right!
Water, Land and Freedom!
They took them alive, we want them alive!
Stop the War against the Zapatista Peoples!

Otomí indigenous community living in CDMX, member of the CNI-CIG and of the Anticapitalist and Antipatriarchal Metropolitan Coordination with the CIG.