HBDH Executive Committee; “We Will Not Let the Occupation Pass!”

We will not let the occupation pass!

AKP-MHP fascism has accelerated its invasion attack against Kurdistan lands in order to prevent the defeat in the elections and the impact of the economic crisis on the people. The Metina operation launched in this context shows that the fascist government has received certain support from international powers.

The operations against Kurdish Press and TV channels in Europe on the same date as the operation against Metina, as well as Erdoğans visit to Iraq, show that an alliance of evil has been formed to suffocate the Kurdish freedom struggle in such a process.

This alliance is supported by NATO and directly implemented by the AKP-MHP government. The KDP plays a special role here, giving a carte blanche to the Erdogan government to strangle the Kurdish freedom struggle. Through its relations with him, it legitimizes the occupiers.

The occupation attacks of the Erdogan government aim to occupy the entire territory of Southern Kurdistan. With its war crimes, use of chemicals and civilian massacres, the region is being dehumanized. In this respect, especially with the support of the KDP, the occupation policy in the region is able to exist.

The freedom guerrillas resisting in the mountains against these dirty war policies of fascism do not make concessions to fascism with their strong-willed and determined stance, and fight for the freedom of the peoples. As HBDH, we would like to underline once again the historical importance of the guerrilla resistance, which continues decisively despite all kinds of technical superiority of the enemy.

War will not be confined to the mountains!

Fascism, which does not allow the slightest movement in the cities and fears it, must know that the war will move to the cities. The militia of the United Revolutionary Movement of the Peoples showed that the war is not limited to the mountains, but is the nightmare of fascism with its actions in the centers of capitalism.
In order to stop and defeat fascism, we must organize in the ranks of the United Revolution and turn the streets into areas of resistance. The only language the fascist power understands is the language of revolutionary action. On this basis, we must embrace the guerrilla resistance in all the areas we are in.

With militia actions in the cities, we must show the occupying enemy that it is not safe anywhere. The day is the day to increase the total resistance for the struggle for freedom and to ignite the fire of united revolution.

As HBDH, our call is to increase the resistance against fascism in all areas where the united revolutionary movement is located and to organize revolutionary action. Fascism draws strength from silence and inaction.

Lets take to the streets against fascism, hold them to account and turn the dreams of the invaders into a nightmare. Let us not forget that embracing the resistance of the freedom guerrilla and our actions in the cities will destroy the wall of silence created by fascism.

Everyone must act with the responsibility of this historical process and take the initiative to organize revolutionary action in their areas.

Down with occupying fascism!

Long live guerrilla resistance!

Lets destroy fascism and win freedom!