SCI Fayette: Silence Is Acceptance

If it affects one of us, it affects us all. Human decency is a right and not a privilege. SCI Fayette is a dangerous place to be an inmate. When we need to be more concerned about what the guards are doing to the inmates than what the inmates are doing to each other, we have become inhumane. Here are the concerns:

Causing physical harm to inmates
Refusing daily medication
Denying access to family and organizations via visits
Denying access to personal property
Making threats
Creating a hostile environment by calling inmates rats
Refusing access to counselors and unit managers

Reports to DOC BII were made 4/18/24 and 4/26/24 on behalf of inmate Charles Carrington HS1233. Calls were made to Counselor Brittan from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on 4/26/24 and the unit manager. They are both choosing not to respond to the calls to address the concerns. Supervisor Tanner refused to share vital information to aid in accessing visits. Captain Cercone is aware of what is happening to inmates and denied any wrongdoing. Sergeant Woodbridge felt free on 3/28/24 to say “This is not Rockview (SCI). We crack heads around here. Should I get the noose?” He was referring to the noose that was hung on Black Friday as a joke by guards at SCI Rockview which sparked outrage in the community. Later Woodbridge said, “File another grievance and you’re going to end up like him” referring to Troy Wimberly’s (deceased) grievance paper which the supervisor put on the bed. This was a direct threat. There are cameras so this could have been confirmed easily if administration intended on cooperating. These incidents were reported to Deputy Tkacks and Luitenent Guty and nothing was done. How many more inmates have to die at Fayette? What happened to our brothers Troy Wimberly and Arillo? Who beat Arillo mercilessly? Which guards did the head cracking and who turned a blind eye? What were the circumstances of their deaths at Fayette? Who is going to hold administration accountable? Please contact the Prison Society about your concerns at:

Prison Society (215)564-4775
SCI Fayette (724)364-2200
Deputy Tkacks
Lt. Guty
Counselor Brittan
Supervisor Tanner
Sgt. Woodbridge
Captain Cercone

We are asking for a safe transfer to another facility!! And not on a Friday which signifies a “problem inmate”. What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!

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