13 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Guerrilla Action in Metina

The Press Centre of the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) issued a statement on the ongoing war in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). According to the statement, 13 soldiers were killed in Metîna. In Xakurke, three civilians from East Kurdistan/Iran were killed in a Turkish air raid, and further troops of the Iraqi army have been stationed in Heftanîn.

Regarding the latest actions by the guerrillas and attacks by the Turkish army, HPG provided the following details:

Metîna region;

The guerrillas carried out a coordinated two-flank attack on a Turkish invasion force in the Metîna region on 30 April morning. The HPG and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) guerrillas observed the unit in the Şêlazê Resistance Area and struck them at the appropriate moment from close range with light and semi-automatic weapons. At the same time, professional guerrilla snipers took part in the action, which left thirteen soldiers dead.

3 civilians from Rojhilat martyred in Turkish attack

Xakurkê region;

On 28 April, the area of Xinêreya Jor in Xakurkê region was bombed by Turkish warplanes. The Turkish media reported a successful strike against the guerrillas, claiming that our guerrilla forces suffered losses in this bombardment. The information provided by the Turkish occupying army is a complete lie. We did not suffer any casualties during the bombardment, and it turned out that three civilians from Rojhilat were killed in the attack.

Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region;

On 29 April at 06:40, the invaders in Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were struck by YJA Star guerrillas with medium automatic weapons.

On 30 April at 16:35, the invaders moving in Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were struck with medium automatic weapons and the movement of the invaders was stopped. The action was carried out by YJA Star forces.

Heftanîn region;

On 27 April at 04:30, Turkish warplanes bombarded the vicinity of Demka village in Kashan region. After the bombardment by the Turkish army, Iraqi forces took position in Demka village.

Attacks carried out by the Turkish army;

On 29 and 30 April, Turkish warplanes carried out 12 attacks, including 8 strikes on the Girê Bahar and Girê Amediyê Resistance Area in Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region, 2 strikes on the Sinînê area in Xakurkê region, as well as the Dergelê Resistance Area in Metîna region and Şehîd Îbrahîm Resistance Area in Zap region.

On 28 April, 30 April and 1 May, the areas of Serê Metîna, Şêlazê, Dergelê, Golka, Qesrokê and Girê Hakkarî in Metîna region were bombed by attack helicopters.”