Communique From Autonomous UCLA Students After Zionist Attacks on Night Six of Palestinian Solidarity Encampment

We are a coalition of autonomous affinity groups and frustrated security leadership members in the UCLA encampment dedicated to the Palestinian resistance.

We are inspired by the encampments all over the country and the UCLA camp specifically, and are honored to be in community building this space with our comrades. However, we are also frustrated with shit going down and hope to put this out for others who feel the same in the camp or students who feel similar in other encampments across the globe.

The following is just a few points we feel are important to express, especially following the zionist attacks on our camp, including but not limited to chemical weapons, explosive devices, and psychological terror aided and abetted by administration.

1. Against Leadership

We want to stress that we are attacking leadership as a concept, not individual leaders. While we appreciate and are inspired by SJP, JVP, etc. leadership we need to stress that we need to move past “leadership” and towards autonomy.

We have noticed a trend of the desire to appear peaceful for the media taking precedent over the right of protestors to self defense, mirroring the world’s response to Palestinians’ right to self defense in the face of blatant fascist attacks and eliminationist violence.

We cannot allow our resistance movement to demand obedience over safety in the same way as western imperialist forces against the colonized.

2. Abolition Begins in the Encampment

NO FUCKING PEACE POLICE. Advocating for non-violence while we are actively under attack is bullshit.

We are not here to recreate the outside world in this encampment. We are here because we know a different world is possible, and are actively working towards it.

Stressful situations lead to responses that are engrained in us, such as hierarchy and policing, but we can fight this.

Think about in what ways we can work to dismantle the cops in our heads.

3. Fuck your Fire Code – Against Any Collaboration

Anyone working with admin (fire marshalls, construction crews, etc.) are collaborating with cops and interacting with them puts us at risk.

It is one thing to keep up appearances of obedience when necessary and do what we want when the coast is clear, but actual collaboration is not an option.

In a post 9/11 amerikkka the use of “safety” as an excuse for increased policing should not be a tactic we fall for anymore.

The class nature of certain employees on campus does not necessarily make them our allies.

4.On Grace and Solidarity

Our position within this movement necessitates that we, as comrades, are in constant solidarity with each other even as we learn and grow.

For many of us, organizers included, this is our first radical direct action. People in this camp might not know things that people who are more experienced in direct action understand and we need to hold space to teach each other and make mistakes without vitriol or withdrawing our solidarity.

Our petty differences and mistakes cannot be an excuse for us to not have each others backs in the face of violence and repression.

With these points being said, we want to stress the need to escalate for Gaza.


submitted anon