Revolt on May 1st Against the Male Dominated Capitalist System — KBDH

On May 1st, the Day of Unity, Struggle and Solidarity of the working class, we greet all women and oppressed sexual identities who will carry the enthusiasm and rebellion of March 8th to May 1st and raise the struggle against male domination and capitalism with the enthusiasm of May 1st. may 1st; is a call for rebellion, struggle and liberation. It is the day of the fight of the working class and laborers against capitalism at the cost of blood and lives. Greetings to those who created this fight and carried it to this day.

We are welcoming May Day 2024 in a world reality where the crises, wars, poverty, poverty and massacres caused by the imperialist capitalist system based on exploitation are getting more and more intense, almost turned into a bloodbath and brought to the brink of a great destruction.

As the male-dominated capitalist system is driven into a deadlock by the crises it faces, it deepens its exploitation of working masses of people and women day by day. The anger of women and the masses against this situation is fermenting into rebellion like a volcano ready to erupt. The anger of women and the masses against this situation is fermenting into rebellion like a volcano ready to erupt. New searches and the desire for another world are growing.

The increasing gender contradiction alongside the class contradiction not only increases the struggle for womens liberation, but also elevates women to the position of an important subject and pioneer in developing social struggles. May 1st is an important cross-section in the meeting of the womens struggle for freedom and liberation with the class struggle, and a call to overthrow capitalism and male domination against the exploitation of labor and body.

As always, women suffer the heaviest consequences of the economic and political crisis in our geography as in the rest of the world. The exploitation of womens labor, which is seen as cheap and worthless, is getting worse day by day with the economic crisis. Women laborers are condemned to flexible, precarious and non-unionized working conditions. Womens poverty has reached gigantic proportions and womens unemployment has steadily increased. The male-dominated fascist power has scaled up its attacks to prevent the rising womens struggle. Violence, oppression and massacres of women have intensified in all areas of life. Women workers and laborers who object to poor working conditions and fight for their rights face the most severe repression. But despite all the oppression and dismissals, women workers and laborers are at the forefront of resistance and strikes. Many worker resistances in the past months have been marked by the determination of women workers. Women put up an important resistance for equal pay for equal work, improved working conditions, unionization and other rights.

It is a fact that the historical conditions that gave rise to May Day for women workers and laborers still exist today, and todays working conditions are not different from those of the 19th century. Womens labor is again undervalued and precarious, while poor working conditions and sexist division of labor prevail in all areas of life. But today, as in the past, our struggle against capital and male domination continues with all its fierceness.

We revolt against the systematic attack policies of the fascist power, which is the enemy of women and labor, and the role it assigns to us women. At home, at work, on the street, on the mountain tops, in the dungeon, we organize our war against male domination and fascist power and grow the rebellion. on March 8, women who did not recognize the bans and took to the streets against male domination and fascist power demonstrated the power of fighting together. Now, it is necessary for the same determination to be displayed on May Day, for our cries for freedom to echo on May Day in order to raise the struggle.

Just as we broke down the barricades together on March 8 despite the bans, lets break down the barricades with our rebellion on May 1st, knowing that our strength comes from fighting together and our organization!

On May Day, which symbolizes the fight against the male-dominated capitalist system, we must turn all areas, especially Taksim, into positions of resistance against the exploitation of labor and body, massacres of women, gender discrimination, poverty, imperialist war and occupation, and grow the struggle.

May Day 1 martyrs, especially the women fighters, who created May Day with their life-cost struggles and brought it to this day. We reiterate our promise to raise their memory in our fight for womens freedom.

Raise the Struggle against the Exploitation of Body and Labor on May 1st!

Long live May Day!

Long Live Womens United Revolutionary Struggle!

30. 04. 2024