PFLP: Jabalia is the City of Heroes and Camp of Martyrs

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Jabalia is the city of heroes and camp of martyrs, and the intifada teaches our enemy a lesson about the meaning of our existence and our resistance on this land.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine salutes the heroes of the resistance and their popular cradle in the steadfast Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip, affirming that the legendary confrontation carried out by the sacrificing people in Jabalia camp against the cowardly enemy army is the true expression of the meaning of our existence and our resistance on this land.

The Popular Front confirmed that what the sons of the resistance across all its spectra are achieving in terms of miracles in Jabalia camp has surpassed every description known to history of the meanings of heroism, sacrifice, and steadfastness, and that this steadfast camp is once again opening the door to victory for our people as it has done in many crucial historical turning points.

The heroes of the resistance in Jabalia camp and across the steadfast Strip, who are facing the zionist genocide war machine, armed and stocked by America and Europe, affirm today that all the world’s tyranny and oppression have not and will not defeat our people’s will to struggle and fight for freedom and self-determination, and to inflict the necessary defeat on the zionist project of brutality.

The Front calls on supporters of Palestine and those in solidarity with its just cause to raise the level of their activism and rise to the level of the battle that our people are waging in defense of their rights, and to enhance all forms of struggle against the zionist enemy and its backers, emphasizing that our people are fighting the battle of humanity against brutality, barbarism, and genocide, and there is no room for equivocation in positions.

The Front addressed the Arab nations, affirming that these days are decisive in the history of this nation, and everyone must bear their duty and responsibilities by actively confronting, with all tools of resistance and struggle, the zionist system and its allies and supporters.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
Monday, May 13, 2024