Nakba Day Statements From Palestinian Resistance Organizations

In commemoration of the 76th annivesary of Nakba Day we compiled a list of communiques from…

Resistance Factions Continue To Inflict Heavy Casualties on Zionist Forces

The Palestinian Resistance factions continue to carry out top-tier operations targeting occupation forcesĀ on several axes across…

Anti-Colonial Uprising in Kanaky

Monday night saw the most significant anti-colonial uprising erupt in Kanaky since the 1980s. The island,…

Anti-Imperialist Activists Occupy White Supremacist, Pro-Zionist Center, Rote Flora: Germany

Around 50 pro-Palestinian and anti-imperialist activists launched an offensive, temporarily occupying the Rote Flora building in…

Hunger Strike by Nikos Maziotis

Not a day has passed since the publication of the text about what care the “penitentiary”…

Niger Decided to Expel US Imperialist Forces After Threats Issued

The United States’ tone and behavior toward Nigerien officials was the primary reason for the collapse…

‘Our Place is in the Mountains of Kurdistan’, Say New PKK Guerrillas

Many young people continue to join the guerrillas. 25 young Kurds have completed their guerrilla training…

University of California Office of the President Attacked

“The beginning of every revolution is an exit, an exit from the social order that power…

Turkish Army Conceals its Losses At All Costs

Over the past few days, reports of dead Turkish soldiers have come out of the blue.…